Episode 3: The Nebulous Imperitive

He would hate to be in that position--stuck in a diplomatic quagmire and not able to do anything but hold position until fleet hq got their asses in gear. the raptor would investigate.

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The Coffin: Part 8

If the other seals were resonated with magic like their fellows, the best way for marcus to find him was to dive headfirst into the quagmire.

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Boxed Lunch

After all, the certified sandwich artists behind the counter were probably struggling their own way through the passive-aggressive quagmire of sophomoric higher education. > > but neither did the rich and noxious scent of soy seem to be coming from the sack

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Aldruin, Chapter VI: Traitors

"i understand their belief, captain: we humans have grown weak and soft, and the corrupt elves try to drag us into their quagmire of dark magics and false philosophies. i think that this is the way humanity _should_ be, captain.

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Circe's Island

"you and your kind have been dragging him deeper and deeper into a quagmire of suffering. i had to save his heart." grant jolted, realizing just what she was saying: the pain in his heart had been magically induced!

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A Desperate Flight

The cart's wheels crushed through the crust of dead pine needles as the ground became more and more sodden, becoming a quagmire that gave way beneath their feet and splattered them with mud.

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Rules of Economics-Chapter 3

Rather than just blurt it out, he examined it from a few different angles to ensure he didn't put himself in another quagmire. satisfied it was safe, he tested the waters, "janza, may i ask you something?"

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Luna - Second Thoughts

She had pulverized the clearing with her body, and it had turned into a murky quagmire of grit and cum.

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The ethereal could be much more fun; a lie he told himself for the briefest of moments before shoving that thought from his mind lest he become even more lost in the quagmire of his mind.

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 8: Crossing the Swamps

Luke's eyes widened in horror at that exclamation, indeed noticing the tree was slowly being consumed by the quagmire and pulling his husband down with it. with a resounding _"no!!"

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Centaurus Chapter 21

"not quite," said astrid, "it's for flooding, it stops the city from turning into a quagmire in the rainy season, a reservoir, all the water that might normally cause a flood instead flows into here.

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