Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 18

Saul yelled as the wolf punched tucker in the snoot and face...

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A Still-Beating Heart

"you're a prospect," rev mumbled, nuzzling ricky's neck with his moistened snoot. "make it not day yet."

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Curse of the Weretoy

Bleating in annoyance, he used one three-finger hoof hand to push back the bloated wolf snoot that'd pressed into him like it was a kiss.

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Story: Egging Him On

Whispa held the drake's paw while she blew a steam of frost over the toe, sneaking her slick tail against his snoot. "there, that should keep it numb for a bit. are you good?" "ye- yeah, it's fine. th-thank you..."

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Innocence ch. 3

The fox snooted with a subtle grin, yet one powerful enough in its amusement to be seen even from my height. "i have my reasons. though why i'm here isn't what should be concerning you--i am, after all, merely curious."

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What Good Am I? Chapter One

Diego leaned forwards until his snoot was almost pressed against the screen as friedrich listened to whoever was talking to him.

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Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 6

He raised it up to show blood trails coming from his snoot.... "gasp!" "foxy!" alex yelped as he ran and took foxdayle's hand. "will didn't do that did he?" "no." foxdayle replied. "that's my sister. she was angry obviously.

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Letting Go

The crisp fragrance of nature stimulated his snoot as they approached the forest, and he decided to gently broach the subject. "you know how you have a hard time keeping disconnected from work and relaxing?"

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Construction Site Plaything

The wolverine stared wide-eyed at the protruding snoot. "uh, no," malcolm said, unsure of his own answer. "it's just that, like, why is he even there?"

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Textbook Agreement

My nostril's flare and i get a snoot-full of the cologne he's wearing on his human body. he's more muscular looking in the tee he's wearing, cute!

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twenty Two

"what's got your snoot up your boot?" i asked. he raised his eyebrows at me. i shrugged. "forget it. what's wrong?" victor's scowled and said, "majestic has given the all clear. those men who attacked you have left the area."

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