The Beginning

"you can always bring him too; i have a spare bedroom we can drop him off in while he sobers up. it wouldn't be any trouble and i live pretty close." i said. this caused him to pause and weigh the options.

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Highway Hijinx

He rolled the spare up into place and "shit!" they didn't match at all. zevery came back from getting the old tire into the boot and looked at him questioningly.

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Ocean Depths part 3

Lucas offered one of the spare towels. carlson took it, took a sniff of it and handed it back. "that's the one i used the past few days, you use it." lucas rolled his eyes, tossing him the other spare clean one.

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'i've been toying with the idea of turning the spare room into a rec-room... so you'd have to sleep in this room with me.' ikah smiled lovingly. 'i think i'd like that.' 'me too.'

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Island Castaway

After drying off the wolf and combing the fur to get out the clumps that had accumulated, he set him in bed in the spare bedroom and started a fire in the hearth.

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Log 1- Lessons

With each move, she whimpered, moving past other students that spared not a glance in her direction. she rounded a corner and found herself outside, under the baking sun of korriban.

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A Thanksgiving Embarrassment

"they're like, spare parts from the turkey." melissa rolled her eyes, flicking her tail at him. "it's not an old car, adam, it doesn't have spare parts." "i mean like, guts and stuff." adam went to the fridge, and pulled the door open.

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A Prideful Fall - Chapter 7

Instead she decided to take on a tactic she herself found most distasteful and only sparingly made use of in her younger years.

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The Hunt

He extends the offer of his complete compliance, in the hopes you will spare his people from unnecessary suffering.'

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Sonnet Redouble

Without a clue about what would begin, with just a room to spare, i took him in. * * * with just a room to spare, i took him in. to get him following, i offered treats.

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

I put the shotgun in its case and put the skeet tosser and spare tire away. this time i pulled out a .45-70 and fired three shots into a dump truck load of sand to show how powerful the handgun is.

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