The Shadows Book Two: The Legacy of Man and Machine - Chapter Eleven

Gaia would have ended up doing his job for him for her blunder, but she intervened, deeming that since he had not personally made anyone in mankind his vessel the situation was now a private affair between her and her people."

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The Furry Dead Chapter XIX - Doom and Desserts

Not that the elderly mouse gave a flying damn for their private affairs, despite his regular public sermons about moral rectitude and ethical acts.

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Centaurus Chapter 8

Come on, this will be a private affair." the drake waved his claws at the horny catkin and she huffed, spinning on her heel. her tail ran up the drakes leg as she turned, seemingly accidentally but probably on purpose.

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Blind Dates and Curious Tastes

And cyril; your private affairs are your own but you should have at least informed us you were leaving so we weren't so taken by surprise when you were nowhere to be found this morning," ignitus intervened.

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Away (part three of three)

Magic, for many, was a very private affair. those that spent their time training in private, learning quietly, had a different way about it than most mages that alyssa had come across. "mmm... speak of his name, allow me to reach."

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Choices Part IV - Interwoven

The inspection will be uncomplicated, and then you can return to your books and private affairs." "yes, well i..." he trailed off as a servant approached from the direction of the gate. even with head bowed, he could tell they were a hyena.

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Fateful Pride - Part I

The strife between mecchi's and scordatto's was never more than a private affair from the entire political stage's of the duchy point of view. but apparently, he was about to learn a new lesson about the world he belonged to.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 12

She had never before however indulge in the private affairs of her children. specifically one for that matter.

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Inhuman | Chapter 10: Lone Wolf [old edition]

This sudden increased familiarity left her feeling both newly infatuated and somewhat awkward - she still couldn't shake the thought that she wasn't supposed to know any of this and that she shouldn't have been snooping around in sean's private affairs.

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 13

"'no, no, no,'" said sheena, raising up a paw, "'it isn't a private affair. you are free to remain here if you wish.'" "oh..." kyo replied, sitting back down, "okay then...what's up?"

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Mortal Kombat Armageddon Fucked Over

Keep your private affairs private, make no trouble in this castle, and i will give you as much leeway as you need. if you do not, you will no longer be welcome in my home. is that understood?"

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