Strange Bedfellows
"THERE HE GOES!" The hunter bellowed, the voice rang across the sky as the dragon erupted from the forest, driven on by the snap of arrows. Falcon's eyes rolled back at the hunters on the ground, his tongue hanging out as he surged up into the sky,...
Elven Espionage
Said the dark elf matriarch, she was tall for an elf; over six feet in height before you counted the heels, or her intricately style pale lavender hair.
Belial: Shades of Purple
That was probably what the cat-elf was doing now. bringing hir along on a trip as entertainment. that would explain the cat-elf's form, a disguise to hide the fact that she's actually a dark elf.
Jaguar Temple 10
She holds a hand up, and the elf does the same. the goddess moves her hand down along her body, and the elf follows suit. before them all, the goddess presents herself, pawing between her legs, staring at the elf with all six eyes.
It was like a huge corridor, with elves, and orcs, and half-elves. even keeping his eyes on the elf, though, he still saw enough to start to sort it out.
A hunter, a nether ray and a paladin
Withdrawing his member, the blood elf stands over the ray, panting.
Greywood: Ahani
The werewolf withdrew her fingers from the elf's cunt, kneeling astride her legs and held them up, shining in the moonlight with the elf's fluids.
Gadgetzan: Gateway to the Lost Treasures of Tanaris
"now, with that outta the way, we should probably do some actual surveyin'," the dwarf swung his backpack over his shoulder and nodded to the elf before heading off the explore the ruins, the elf close in tow.
Realm of the Winter Prince: The Little Merman
Como couldn't help but pull dirion up and press his lips against the elf's lovingly, and he wrapped his arms around dirion's neck and his legs around the elf's waist.
Bonds of the Companion
Though the elf managed to answer most of the questions, the persistence of the dragon finally made the elf snap and told him to go off and hunt his dinner.
Purple Heart
But del couldn't even get out the threat as the elf began to move more boldly down his body.
The Path Less Traveled, Part 8
"lean back," the female elf said with her quiet voice. i did as asked and leaned back in the basin, and the elf put her hands to my shoulders and began to run them.