Breaking In the New Catch

Story by Guan on SoFurry

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This is my part of a trade with my beautiful bro Jace, a longtime friend of mine who has had to wait MUCH too long for this to be complete and uploaded. The cover art to go with this is his part of the trade, a WONDERFUL work by the artist Ben56 who along with his collaborative account with XDire ABSOLUTELY deserves more attention. :)

Slowly did Jace, a rather tall and very handsome black-on-orange anthro dragon, start to stir as he groggily fluttered his weary silver eyes open. It felt like he had just woken up from a long sleep induced upon him without notice. His first thought went to how long had he been out, feeling rather confused and disoriented, not to mention rather uncomfortable. The air felt so hot wherever he was, and for some weird reason he was lying propped up with his legs high in the air, his naked back resting upon a rather hard surface that felt like...obsidian? An altar of some sort? Must have been an ancient one from the cracks standing out against his sore scales, although he did not feel otherwise broken or damaged. Grunting a bit, he attempted to twist his head and body around to view and explore his unfamiliar surroundings in more detail, wanting off this rather oppressive slab...

...only to find with a surprised gasp his wrist held by something metallic and jerked back in the opposite direction! Trying to twist the other way had the same effect! With eyes wide open, he looked over at his wrists with some difficulty to reveal two steel shackles firmly attached to each one, both chained well to the sides of the altar. Highly alarmed now, Jace thus tried to kick his legs up, only to receive an unpleasant involuntary jerk upwards at his neck and a fierce choking sensation. Looking up at his feet revealed an unfortunate series of even more distressing developments: Around his neck was a metal collar with two foot-long chains attached to a spreader bar around his ankles, each being held high above his head and unable to go down past a 45-degree angle. Being stark nude as he was, this to his dismay left him in a VERY compromising position as a result. As if that weren't bad enough, he couldn't even attempt to extend his wings out as he could feel a pair of refined leather straps on each side binding them tightly, nor could he even move his tail upwards to conceal his exposed goods as that TOO was attached to a shackle at the tip and tightly chained up. Further struggling proved fruitless: No matter which direction he shifted or how hard he tried to arch his back up or pull at any of the steel restraints, not a single chain or attachment would give way, each solidly attached deep within that altar and not budging even an inch. It was useless...he was just utterly unable to move!

Deciding to save his strength and let his initial panic subside, Jace abruptly abandoned his attempts to break free, relaxing his muscles with a rustling jangle of his chains and bending his legs back towards his chest with a low huff to thump his golden-haired scalp against the edge of the altar. He cursed himself...this was so was so obvious now that he had gotten himself caught in a sort of primitive trap for some rather lewd and possibly even ritual--or worse, sacrificial--purpose. How long had he been chained up like this? Why did he not feel all this stuff on him before? How could he let himself get caught up in this? And most importantly, what the hell had got their claws on him? Kobolds? A minotaur? ...something even bigger? Jace quailed at the thought, half-tempted to call out in the hot yet strangely humid room to see if anyone would answer, while half-dreading that someone WOULD...

For now, he valiantly tried to shake the odd fuzzy feeling coming over his mind and dulling his senses, turning his head about as best he could from his position. The well-bound Jace could not place his surroundings despite their vague familiarity, trying to wrack his brain: One moment he'd been scouting a mountainside cavern out in response to a call for moment he had turned a corner through a narrow passage, and then he...vaguely recalled the ground giving way underneath him as soon as he'd taken a step, falling through a long tunnel, going through some strange blue fiery pool...that was the last thing he remembered before all this happened.

Where was he now though? This had to be quite deep in the his adjusting eyes, he was in a large area of the caverns with a high natural dome ceiling and a flat ground below, all illuminated by a very bright glow coming off from directly behind him...a river of magma? He could tell that much from his upside-down viewpoint, and it was certainly raising the temperature enough to leave even his heat-resistant body feeling very sweltered. Not only that, his sensitive nose detected a faint but bizarrely alluring humid smell lingering in the air close by...

Lifting his head up to look between his legs, he could make out a dark and wide passage leading into another room in the caverns directly ahead of him. From it issued a strangely fruity scent...something citrous...and spicy at the same time? Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't helping that fog in his head to dwindle down...not to mention something about it was causing a different sort of ebony-colored head to start to rise up down south, the sight of this making him close his eyes and whimper a bit.

Why in the world was he getting aroused in this position? ...or wait...was this position really THAT bad? Come to think of it...he was feeling...kinda sexy now. All dressed up and ready for fun...just waiting for the right person to come over and scratch this tingly itch he was feeling under--no! NO! He had to get out of here! Shaking his head in bemusement, Jace once again attempted to fight those unbidden thoughts off, not sure what exactly was causing them but doing whatever he could to counter them. Escape, he had to escape...but no, that confusing smell kept getting stronger...sensing a presence both enticing and terrifying beyond that passage ahead...

"Heh heh heh...I think that's enough scent for now bro~"

"That all you were waiting for? All right then, let's size our catch up."

Jace's silver eyes snapped open at that sudden low rumbling pair of voices so obviously talking about him, cheeks pale and swiveling around wildly before feeling the vibrations of two pairs of very distinct rumbling footsteps approaching from ahead. He could only lift his head and body so much to gaze in terror into the darker area...eventually he perceived a blue and yellow light coming closer now from either side, each casting a silhouette on a pair of very large figures! His heartbeat sped up yet again as he started to panic once more and wriggle and pull about pointlessly to and fro against the shackles binding him. All the while the lights grew closer while waving from side-to-side with each loud footstep, the mysterious figures soon getting more clear in the light of the magma river, their shadows cast about to sculpt their mighty forms more definitively.

Much to Jace's spiking fear--and to his chagrin, his arousal!--both appeared to be rather lusty winged hybrid feral dragons walking on two legs side-by-side. Their bulk and general shape reminded him of Charizard from one of his favorite videogames--they even had firetails like one--but with some rather notable and distinct differences. For one, these dragons, while bipedal, were MUCH larger than he was, measuring in at least twice as if not three times taller than the poor anthro chained to the altar. They also sported a wingspan much greater than his own as shown whenever they occasionally unfurled their wings as they walked towards him. The one with the blue firetail appeared to have a dark and light green scale base and underbelly respectively, with red stripes and strangely reflective and oceanic blue eyes; the other with the yellow firetail was dark and light red respectively, black-striped with golden eyes dangerously absorbent and kindled. Each had a row of spikes--one red and one black to match their stripes--that ran from head to almost the tailbase, and in contrast to Jace's white horns and claws, theirs seemed as obsidian as the rock around the three of them. As Jace forced himself to look down, he could see a large gecko tattoo on the green, and an iguana tattoo on the red...he wasn't sure why, but the tattoos gave him the impression these two were hatched from the same clutch. They were definitely both VERY male from the look of those low-hanging six-striped orbs of theirs, and from the size of those very unusual cock tines--almost like a forked tongue peeking out from their slits--the two were VERY well hung, not to mention virile as all hell to match how hot as hell it was feeling in here with those two so close now...

Jace couldn't believe he was analyzing those two so aptly at a time like this! It was almost like he was fascinated by them rather than terrified of them. Why though? These two enormous beasts were unmistakably here for him, they HAD to be responsible for this...right? They certainly didn't look like they had plans to rescue, it was more likely these were the creatures to whom he'd been "delivered", though by whom? Considering their rather vast size and their fairly girthy bellies...they obviously liked to keep themselves quite well fed. He gulped quite hard at this thought as soon enough they both stood barely a foot away from him, the captive dragon barely daring to even breathe. That combined was so musky, so strong HAD to be coming somewhere from those two like some sort of powerful aphrodisiac, causing his head to spin, his mind to intimidating as the two were, they looked SO incredibly attractive and desirable...but he had to resist! He wouldn't give matter how bad the itch was getting down there, how very hard he was just from the sight and the scent alone...

"Mmm, look at that thickness he's sporting already, bro. We haven't even touched him yet either," spoke up the big green, Jace looking at him in shock at the soothing yet rich and sonorous treble coming from such a hybrid his size, "This is gonna be easier than we thought, isn't it?"

"You know it," growled the big red with a wicked-looking grin plastered on his face, his voice carrying a rougher and more dominant tone, "Disappointing, I'd have liked to see him resist more. Either way this hot little number is in for some BIG fun, aren't you?"

Flushing in both defiant anger and embarrassment, Jace opened his mouth to speak but for some reason couldn't form the words he wanted to shout in response whenever he looked into either of perceptive and almost otherworldly eyes both scanning directly over his nude prone form. All he could do was squirm uncomfortably as his position left very little to the imagination, each dragon giving an approving growl and nod to each other after inspecting their catch from head to toe. Their countenances felt like two sides of the same coin, the green seeming to have a calm energy that felt a bit more friendly than the more cocky and leering spirited red mistake though, he could tell from their faces that they both had the same thing in mind regarding those big...studly bodies...oh but there were SO many ways they planned to so utterly ravish no no! Realizing just the kind of expansive ride he was about to be in for if he didn't think of something quickly, Jace thus took another hard swallow and summoned the courage through the thick to speak up.

"Um...guys? P-please, you have the wrong guy! I didn't sign up for this! I-I mean...look, I don't know what whoever chained me up told you or gave you, but I can double it if you just let me-"

Jace's remaining words were soon driven out of his mind as a result of the big red dragon whooshing his tail around to deliver a rather harsh SMACK! from a thick black-striped tailtip upon his big rump cheek, causing him to shut his eyes tightly, yelp out in sudden pain, and buck his hips upwards involuntary. Before he could so much as whimper from that or lower his hips back down, a circular and surprisingly hot object suddenly slammed down quite rudely--by which twin he had no idea--over the exposed portion of his unwittingly aroused length, causing the rest of that large ebony rod to very suddenly pulse upwards and his throat to issue a high-pitched note of discomfort as his bulbous knot POPPED right through!

"Heh, double?!" snarked the red dragon with a rather cruel chuckle as Jace fell back down onto the slab with an additional whine, unable to stop humping the air and shaking his chains about as that unusually heated cockring constricted against the portion between his sheath and knot, "Hear that Guan? The sluttoy doesn't realize his position yet. He oughta know by now that it's his Masters gonna be giving him his double tonight."

"M-masters? What are you-?!"

"Tell us sexy, what is your name?" swiftly but smoothly cut in the green dragon apparently named Guan, bringing his large and unusually gentle face incredibly close to that of Jace's own as those large reflective bright blue eyes came into view. Quickly Jace attempted to turn his head away on instinct, only for a large green hand to stop his progress and tilt his head back in Guan's direction without much effort. Out of the corner of his eye, Jace could sense that red brother lean in and feel him flicker his rather slimy and impatient purple tongue down just inches from the bothered captive's face.

"Go on, sexy, answer the question. Master Shun gets hungry when he's kept waiting."

Almost immediately that word "hungry" got Jace trembling despite the intense warmth all around him. Once again he attempted to avert his eyes despite something deep inside imploring that it would make him and the twins SO much happier to meet that captivating sapphire gaze of the green dragon, reeling a bit from the smoky but oddly minty breath blown in his direction.

" name?'s Jace-AAAH!!" shouted Jace out with another whimper as his other rear cheek was smacked by Shun again, really wishing he wouldn't do that...though that ever-alluring scent kept telling him something else, his shaft throbbing all the harder and even starting to leak a small trail of pre down. Not fazed, Guan leaned in closer, his focus quite intent and his touch more coaxing and unmistakably sensual as it stroked along that scaled cheek.

"Let's try that again, hotstuff...what is your name?"

"'s...I...don't know what-"

"You want Master Shun to spank you again?"

"Ooh...yeeeah-I MEAN NO! I mean it''s..."

Jace could barely think straight already, unable to keep his many desires in check...and thus when that voice inside him started at last to come out on top, he dared at last to glance at those brilliant eyes. Immediately he could make out his reflection illuminated inside of them...and then he could make out nothing else.

It was like staring into a hallway of mirrors reflecting his inner thoughts several times easy to get lost...and shinier all the while did the bound dragon's silver eyes sparkle as his many thoughts began to fracture among those crystalline irises...splitting apart and separating each conflict within a single space. That shine in the silver eyes then spread out like a cloudy solution had been dropped in, glassing and fogging over very solidly...all his ability to summon independence and free will...contained within a shield of acquiescence that nothing but the words and actions of those around him could ever penetrate through...swimming among those mirrors now like he were descending down an infinite hallway...his sense of self hidden behind them all. Guan's bright blue eyes on the outside now did all the viewing necessary...the words of the two hybrid dragons were now the only ones that the partially mesmerized black dragon would ever need to hear...

"Go on, lovely...tell your Master Guan," smiled the big green hybrid at that familiar sight, "What's your name?"

"...h...he's...Yours...your Lovely?" hesitantly replied their sexy bound dragon formerly known as Jace as if from far away, Guan looking as satisfied as if he had eaten an especially large meal! Beaming with a nod to his brother as if to say "You're up~", Guan casually moved his head downwards to inspect and admire that beautiful and SO accessible shapely black ass. Imagining how tight it would be in there, Guan started to lick his lips with that long broad pink tongue of his while rubbing a black claw into his puffy slit and across those big prehensile tines on the rising cocktip.

No sooner did Guan's gaze leave did Shun butt his head in and quite suddenly shift their black-and-orange's view from captivating shimmering sapphire blue to encompassing searing molten gold. It took virtually no effort for Shun to lock his eyes upon those cloudy silver frames, not a single reflection to be cast upon them as the blazing fiery glare penetrated past the thick shield trapping it...tapping into that frantic source of self he could see pushing so hard against. Keenly did Shun have no trouble perceiving all that was left of the name "Jace" trying to break through its prison and futily resist, attempting so valiantly to claim back the dragon it once led...but instead finding itself adding to Shun's own indomitable will and claim as that golden flame surrounded it...contained it...melted it away...leaving in its wake only a blank slate in need of filling...and so eager was the Master of those golden eyes to give that filling and so much more!

"Now dragonslut, tell your Master Shun," growled the dominant hybrid in utter delight at that vacant tongue-out expression, the big red hybrid staring now into clear but glassy obedient dragon eyes awaiting instructions, "Whose pet are you?"

"Yyyoourssss...! Pet is yerrr Dragonslut, sirs~" slurred the hybrids' new toy in response, that previous resistance gone now as if it had never existed. Shun wielded quite the sinister grin at this, knowing that the black dragon was now utterly at their whim, to do everything and anything they asked of him and nothing more.

"Mmm, DAMN RIGHT!! Now say after me. Slut is WHOEVER we say he is. Slut is WHATEVER we make him into. Slut will serve under his Masters' wings now and forever. Slut knows that Masters' command is his will. Slut will satisfy his Masters' every need, Slut will come whenever Masters call him, and Slut will go wherever his Masters take him. Slut will cum ONLY when his Masters tell him. Slut will live for Master Guan and Shun's use and will only feel whole whenever and however they use them. Slut's cockring will stay on for as long as he lives with his Masters. Slut's tailring will..."

Pleased at the sound of their wholly willing captive reciting word for word, Shun would go on at length in this vein with Guan rolling his eyes at the overuse of the word "slut" and "masters" while hoping Shun wouldn't be this linguistically bankrupt throughout their fun tonight. Rocking the prone dragon's force-spread feet back and forth with his large hands, Guan casually amused himself and bobbed his head in rhythm until at length the dominant red dragon was satisfied, his eyes and head finally safely breaking contact.

More than ready to at last lay their claim, the red raised himself high over their bound male, standing fully erect in more ways than one. In the same movement, he then jutted his hips forward to rudely and noisily slap and grind his sizable crotch atop the entranced dragon's face, anointing him in the strong male scent of a musky-moist purple phallus that seemed at LEAST two feet in length from tip to mid-knot. Like his brother's, Shun's malehood throbbed easily as thick as one of their dragon's calves with a knot that looked as if it could practically inflate to the size of their possessed playmate's head. Whether or not their dragon would be able to handle such a plus size was of no concern to Shun; in fact, he would make absolutely sure of it!

Just as aroused and eager to get the party started, Shun's seductive green twin inversely lowered himself down to dip his large head down and inhale deeply into those salty-sleek nether regions. Satisfied, Guan let out a shaky tenor grawrm while nudging against those needy orange balls trapped under that lightly-vibrating cockring. He could easily admire how well it forced that thick black cock to stay erect...not that it needed the coaxing with Shun's muskplay in full effect~ Nevertheless, just to be sure--or more likely just because he felt like it--Guan spread those luscious-looking full black cheeks out with his large clawed thumbs while kissing directly up against that tight pink tailhole below them. He loved the way it clenched up against him, as if at last Guan were starting to tap into an itch long neglected that the sometime-submissive green WELL recognized...even getting quite a similar itch himself...

" pet really want's Master's tongue in him, doesn't he?"

"DAMMIT Guan, you don't just ask!" snarled the red twin in irritation with a disgusted look as he continued to firmly grind his slick throbbing monster cock all across that muzzle that wasn't going ANYWHERE even if their dragon had the capacity to think about resisting, "How many times do I have to tell you?! You SHOW the bitch what he wants! TELL him what he wants. Like this:

"Buttslut! You MUST have Master Guan's tongue inside of you. That ITCH deep inside will just keep getting stronger every second you feel it, and every inch of tongue Master Guan feeds into that thirsty ass will bring you THAT much closer to scratching at it. No matter how deep it goes or how long and hard it eats you out, you won't EVER be able to cum from it.

"Cockslut! You CRAVE your Master's package over all others. Master Shun's dick and balls will have the best flavor you have ever tasted, and with every lick you give them, the taste of it will grow twice as succulent every time. You won't EVER be able to get enough of that AMAZING flavor! NOTHING else but Master Guan's tongue and Master's Shun dick can satisfy you. Now! SHOW me how much you NEED them inside you! BEG for it! Both of you...LICK IT!!"

Guan only chuckled wryly at being included in his brother's rehearsed debasement with a lazy "Don't need you to tell me twice bro~" before using his long thick pink tongue to quite heartily deliver a HEFTY slick lick upon both that wanting clenchy dragonport and those swollen orange knockers. The effect this had on their dragon was music to his ears, every hard lick making Buttslut jerk around noisily in his restraints and whine lustily for more attention. Shun in turn hissed in amusement at their drooling pet's own fervent attempts to strongly and messily slurp all over his gooey purple undershaft as if it were hands down the most incredible meat he'd ever tasted, the giant winged red lizard encouraging him by grabbing dominantly along the back of his head and pressing the more flavorful parts of his powerful equipment all up along Cockslut's exploring tongue and lips. If their combined attentions weren't doing the trick, the scent alone seemed to be proving enough to make their fully hypnotized new pet nearly swoon in their clutches from the sound of his voice echoing out.

"AAaahhh...yessssirs! Please, he HAS to have more tongue inside Buttslut, Master Guan! Oh itches so tastes SOOO wonderful! He NEEDS meat to feed Cockslut, Master Shun!"

Hearing their dragon beg for more only drove the two giant reptiles on more strongly with a firm growl from each. What the dual-named pleasure-addled dragon wanted, he was going to get to the extent that his Masters felt up and down to giving him!

Burrowing the top of his snout more solidly against that scaly orange taint, Guan took a deeper breath to savor the musky scent yet again before he started to wash his strange blue flame more directly along that backside. This elicited a high moan from his Buttslut while relaxing that pulsing fleshy opening along with the surrounding muscles, the flame's bizarre "ghostly" properties warming, soothing, flaming without actually burning. At the same time, as the green's long tongue started to dig more directly now into that slickened tightness and press its forked tips through, Shun felt their eager prey cry out quite hard with a wince and buck against both Shun's increasingly-moist shaft and Guan's increasingly-hotter muzzle. As the big red expected thanks to Guan's attentions spreading him open from below, the subby dragon all the more strongly strove to lick and even try to futily grab and attach his maw up to the tip of that spire of meat above him. So insistently was their pet whining for that massive purple meat to be stuffed into his muzzle where Master Shun said it belonged...and yet Shun refused to ram it in Cockslut just yet even IF his jaws could handle it, his face toothily grinning and clearly having fun with just how teased and bothered he was making their restrained playmate.

"Heh heh, yeeeah, keep on trying, bitch with the itch, you almost got to the MOST delicious spot there~ JUUUST out of reach..."

Guan on the other hand wasn't about to play keepaway regarding his own attentions, a bit too tongued-trapped to admonish his brother and not even remotely inclined to complain about his placement. Harder and more frequently the green hybrid felt those silky pink insides clench around his skillful probing forked tongue as it traveled through, searching all about for that maddening itch that thanks to Shun's power of suggestion would only intensify and get farther away the longer and deeper he went. In addition, Guan's flame brushing across his playmate's orange balls and wildly throbbing shaft would only torture their Buttslut all the more, the cockring preventing the dragon from cumming the way he NEEDED to even if Shun's commands had not been enough! The sight of this denial served to turn on the giant red dragon all the more, giving their flavor-savoring captive SO much musky cock and hanging cream-red orbs to lavish as hard and thoroughly as Guan's waving and slathering tongue, the latter snaking past and creating shapely bulges across those orange abs in a manner only the green hybrid's truly in-depth rimjobs could deliver! Looking utterly starving for more attention from both ends and as if he might well pass out from overstimulation and being SO pent up, their shared slut was proving to be utterly helpless to his Masters' commands...UTTERLY left writhing with nowhere to go but where his Masters wanted him, and yet in heaven to be of such good service, having no mind for anything else but what his Masters wanted!

"ALL STOP!" suddenly shouted the large red reptile, deciding at last it was time to move on to the first event after this not-so-little warm-up. Swiftly he jerked his shining malehood back from that prone muzzle, moving forward as Guan's tongue schhhlorped quite lewdly out of that well-loosened rear end. Standing up significantly more erect and drippy now, Guan looked down at their plaything along with his brother. The aroused pre-soaked dragon between them was now limp against his restraints and gazing up sightlessly at the domed volcanic ceiling, breathing quite hard after all that. Shun's two words seemed to have erased the previous set of programming he had installed fifteen minutes ago like a reset button: It was as if the black-and-orange dragon had gone back to being a scaled flesh-and-blood automaton awaiting further instruction before he could function again.

They had only just started, and already the powerful monstrous twins were quite strongly savoring the intense mental and physical effect of their opposite attentions upon the bound dragon. His previous aches and pains no longer seemed to exist, dwarfed in comparison to these "new" sensations that had been gifted upon him from either end. Both hybrids knew from the many times their previous pets had set up the traps necessary to capture fresh "prey" that the smaller dragon in his entranced state was still reeling from the heavy dual sensation flooded upon him as if it were his first time, and yet Guan's tongue was telling him there had been others...all the better given just what he would be receiving next~

"Now then," lustily snarled the red lizard, gripping his aching asswrecker firmly and starting to move forward towards his brother with clear intent to call dibs...only to be stopped by a large green hand that made him snort and bare his large teeth in irritation.

"Oh no you don't, bro. Before you get all pissy, hear me out."

"The hell I will, sissyfruit. I know what you're getting at, you wanna be the first to go? That ain't how we do it. You sit on his face, and then I-"

"Heh, you mean to tell me you can't stay in control the other way around? Besides," Guan continued on heedless of that dangerous glare from Shun, "Haven't you always wanted to fuck a pet as hard as you can with ALL your dick, without having to save the knot for the end? I could loosen him up quite nicely for that, you know, this sexy tastes like he could take it. Plus, you owe me one for that last incident~"

Shun's eyes lit up especially powerfully against those cool brilliant blue reflective ones, one of the few impenetrable parts of his twin as far as he was concerned. Their toy was certainly going nowhere in the process, but Shun could sense the danger in letting all the heat they had built up cool down in the meantime...thus relenting with a knowing cocky smirk.

"If you fuck this one up-"

"Yeah yeah, you'll drill me instead until I can't sit for a week, and I'll love it~ Now then...

"Meatlover!" quite firmly spoke Guan, the shackled form below them quickly springing and throbbing back to attention at the tone.

"The best thing in life is making green dragons happy. Master Guan LOOOVES the feel of having his big fat malehood inside that delicious ass of yours~ The more of your inner flesh hugging around it and the more area it can explore inside you, the happier and better you will make him feel. And if you can squeeze Master's balls dry with his entire shaft as deep inside your ass as possible, he'll be the most content green dragon of all time, and your ass will be the best in all the world~

"Juicelover! The best thing in life is making red dragons happy. Master Shun's GREATEST fantasy is to have just SOMEONE with exquisite oral skill polish every square inch under his tail from under the balls all the way to the tailbase and around his rear cheeks and all across and INSIDE of his oft-ignored backdoor~ The more spicy and OH-so sustaining juice a spicy purple pucker eater can procure from inside, the happier and better you will make him feel. Make him have an anal orgasm and drain his pheromone glands dry, and he'll never be more content. That way your mouth will be the best in all the world~

"Now for the best part, lovers!" barked Guan to his attentive pet as Shun looked mildly impressed but mostly anxious to get this underway, "The best thing in life is making Masters happy. They are happiest when they make their lovers blast off. In order to cum though...hmmm...purple cock fucking!"

"Th-the fuck?!" Shun interrupted incredulously.

"Exactly!" Guan trilled happily, going seamlessly with his brother's exclamation despite clearly ad-libbing, "Masters with purple cocks are only happy when they have a dragon dick inside their own, and the harder you fuck their purple cock, the happier and better etc. Supplying purple cocks with dragon seed is the most content feeling of all time for any Master watching! That way your dick will be the best in all the world! But know this: A lover with a dragon dick can only cum inside of a purple cock when his Masters are at their happiest! A lover with an ass milking Master Guan's meat, a muzzle completely inside and juicing Master Shun's pucker, and a dragon dick a purple cock...YOU WILL BE THE BEST DRAGON IN ALL THE WORLD! Now who wants to make Masters happy??"

Guan's expression looked quite goofily happy with himself as his speech ended, a nice counter to the bewildered and seething brow-raised expression Shun was directing at them as their eyes locked once more. Not even remotely intimidated at looks that could kill, Guan proceeded to observe the effect his commands had upon the bound black dragon between the two. Naturally he was QUITE pleased to see that their dragon had adopted the most subservient and eager-to-please face he could possibly muster, immediately lifting his spread legs up as best he could to show off as much wanting wet black ass as possible, tongue out and eager cock throbbing so hard at the promise of release and reward that Guan had imparted upon him!

"Master Guan! Meatlover can make you so happy! Please put it inside me, I will take care of you! Master Shun! Juicelover will make your fantasy come to life! Please sit on my face, have a purple cock!! I can fill it up for you!! It's gonna be the best we've ever felt!! PLEASE!!!"

"Ha...HA HA...BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!" laughed Shun quite suddenly in quite the wicked yet mirthful manner as their little lover went on for quite some time, their pet so clearly CRAVING his master's closeness especially now, "God DAMN you suck at names, bro, and fuck all if that's not the most batshit wild asinine complicated ridiculous fucking AWESOME idea you've had in a while! Hell with it, let's give this slutty little lovertoy !"

Chuckling as well at the irony of his bro's insults, Guan was MORE than ready to have his meat lover get right to pleasing, his slick vast dragonhood throbbing just as hard as his bro's was and his wings flapping in anticipation as he planted his large hands up on either side of their playmate's bar-spread ankles. Before Guan could so much as start to press his vast pink meaty tip up against that quivering dragon pucker, however, the mighty red Shun deliberately extended his massive wingspan out and simultaneously gave a huge leap and flap upwards towards the ceiling to take off a short distance upwards into the air...before throwing his lower half solidly down to STOMP his huge feet down on either side of the altar! This had the effect of practically slamming his huge ass firmly against the black dragon's frontside, the impact of his landing against the ground enough to cause the volcanic cavern to shake tremulously with a number of shiny black obsidian rocks cascading down from the ceiling around them and splashing into the magma far away!

Alarmed, the great green took a step back to give his bro room to maneuver, about to ask what had come over Shun before being firmly pulled into a delightfully incestuous kiss that left him thinking of little else afterwards~ To Shun's delight, their captivated captive dragon, however, wasted very little time holding his restrained hands out as far as he could to catch those fat cheeks as his tongue was immediately out and SLURPING everywhere he could! Guan's solid grip on his ankles naturally left the chained-up pet no choice but to jerk his neck and head forward against that magnificent flexing red ass in a very pinning manner, and no doubt that Shun's avid juice lover had eyes for NOTHING else but the sheer vastness of the red's massive chubby draconic backside filling his vision from all directions! True to form, the owner of that hot red-apple ass made absolutely sure that his dragon wasn't allowed to see ANYTHING else, bouncing the black-snouted licking face lewdly back and forth between each hot rotund cheek to make sure each was painted with a nice thick layer of sticky saliva. The same went for his pulsing taint and incredibly musky orbs still wet from earlier, making sure his boy got EVERY inch of that ass of his wet except for one particular spot, Shun deliberately preventing his muzzle from sinking right up against the gooey and very prominent doughnut between that large set of gluts, complete with a rich creamy purple-crinkled center.

From his vantage point while the two giant dragons continued to rather heatedly make out and tease over their prone smaller dragon, Guan couldn't at all blame his meatlover for just how EXTREMELY excited he was getting now, even beyond his original goal of making his Masters happy! After all, both of their juicy tailrings contained the MOST potent and true source of their trademark scent that Guan and Shun produced in droves, and it was by FAR their most intoxicating and alluring area! Making their pets partake in the scent and taste of their anal pheromones was a daily routine for the dragons, as it had the lasting effect of putting them in such a haze that any semblance of free will that might build back up would not be able to withstand such a powerful ASSault on its recovery. It was only natural that their newest acquisition would attempt to go after this region with the most determination, and given Guan's orders, their slutty wonder would be drowning his old self from his mind so fully that he probably wouldn't be able to remember anything from his past for a very long time! This was all the better for Guan, as Shun had a maddening tendency to go through his toys a bit too casually, and he absolutely wanted this one to be a more permanent addition to their part of the cave. Maybe even someone who wouldn't need to necessarily be kept in the cave to keep on coming back...he absolutely would bring this up again once all was said and so very well done!

For now though, there were matters of draconic service that required attention, and with that in mind, Shun firmly set to squatting down more firmly and wedging his sizable orbs and impressive phallus between the triangle shape of the rustling neck chains and the spreader bar to get that pulsing leaky manhood of his slapping its forked tip up across the sexy smaller dragon's own. This gave the big red hybrid leverage to firmly position that scrumptious and overpoweringly-musky anal ring of his right up against the dragon's nose, forcing his ass-loving plaything to inhale sharply with a HEAVY shaking shudder before he got RIGHT to work dragging his draggy tongue meticulously over the outer surface of the supple yielding scaled flesh in a circular pattern. The noises coming from behind Shun's ass were of the highest slutty pleasing caliber, and Shun was just EATING it up in grunting delight against Guan's maw from the way his smaller rimmer kept on suckling and nibbling across the puffy surface to try and pull it outwards even more. Far from teasing now, Shun would only encourage Juicelover with every grind of his fat dragon ass to lick harder, to breathe in deeper, to suckle and kiss, to lavish the purple clenching flesh in the center, to SWOON at that spicy intense pheromone juice it kept exuding, to lap up every bit like a good pet even as it drooled down over his jaws, to just WORSHIP that ass with everything he could and get his shaft to be as pent up and needing of release as Shun wanted it!

Not to be left out, the large green reptile started once again to grip his boy's ankles and press his huge tined cocktip up against the available opening undertail, feeling it clenching wantingly and so very desiringly against. It was still ever-so-tight against his digging tines, but his tonguework and flamework earlier had done quite a decent job of helping to relax and slicken his boy up more than adequately. Slowly but firmly the big green pulled upon those feet and jutted his hips forward to apply steady pressure against that winking tautness, giving it time to yield and spread outwards around his tip with Shun's hefty rearweight ensuring his subby playmate wouldn't be pushed forward. Sure enough, Guan's efforts were rewarded much to his crooning foot-squeezing delight as that thigh-sized phallus started to make his way through inch by thick inch, causing his pleasure-addled dragon to swoon and trill with a shuddering gasp up against Shun's slick entrance as his own was stretched so wide around the invading cockhead! It was a VERY snug fit indeed, enough that Guan's cocktines had a fairly tough job of clinging to the inner flesh to keep himself from popping out while still exploring within his Meatlover's rectal chamber, using the prehensile tips to spread his copious pre seed around wherever he could and provide extra lubrication while seeking out whatever pleasure points and spots would allow the TIGHT cavity trying to practically squeeze his dick off to relax and pulse out enough for him to excavate all the deeper inside.

"Aaahhh!! Masters!! So big...I'm making happy! Please...don't let me stop!"

The pressure from both ends was already causing the lusty dragons to groan out enough as it was, still quite noisily running their tongues over each other above their busy dragon, and those words only upped the ante! Determined to increase the pleasure quota, Guan proceeded reached over between the spread ankles while feeding more of his fat hybridhood into that painfully tight flexing passage to press that needy black cocktip up against his brother's own with a wink. Shun, however, only snarled with a mock-angry "Bitch I got this!" and firmly batted that green hand away to guide his fat cock up more fully beyond the bondage triangle, pressing his sticky cocktines up against the helmet of his slut's length to adhere to it and press his tip's drooling opening up across his boy's own. As a result, the studly dragon below them seized up in incredible joy at what Guan knew to be him feeling so close to his goal to reach all three plateaus at once, their boy's own lust ramped to hyperdrive from having slurped up so much juice from that glistening purple backdoor already!

Quite content with the pace they were going over the next ten minutes or so, Guan kept on gradually boring more and more of his supersized constrained pink-striped shaft into farther and farther silky hot and taut reaches of the much smaller dragon, a bulge starting to form along the lower abs now near where Shun's thickness constantly spurted preseed along his boy's own shaft in preparation. Despite seeing how hard Meatlover was throbbing and how much he was bucking to try and pump inside Shun, Guan was pleased to see that their pet's burning desire to orgasm stayed just as chained up as he was by his vigorous efforts to make his Masters as ecstatic as possible, no matter HOW hard his full balls must be aching. Not even Shun couldn't argue that Guan's instruction had not been very effective in action, still keeping his big purple dick from getting penetrated while admiring how completely and utterly thoroughly Juicelover was ravishing and nuzzling up against the center of that vast anal ring of his while licking any and every spot all over Shun's vast butt and churning balls that seemed to be getting too dry in the incredibly hot environment. Given Shun's production rate, there was by no means any lack of hydration for their pet's hot body, and it was getting to the point where he was virtually painting his face in musky strong spicy scent and taste. Muffled as they are, Meatlover couldn't stop emitting high-pitched happy cries at just HOW much of Guan's thick cock was inside him now with those tines always active and reaching deeper...that knot JUST starting to kiss up against those full black rumpcheeks...

"GGRrrrmm...why Guanma...what slow fucks you give~" snarled Shun teasingly and noticeably impatiently at his brother taking his time so much.

"Ssss...all the loosen and charge him up for ya, bro~" rebutted Guan with a smirk and then a sharp groan, "Ooohhh...FFF...the way he's clenching so hard around me...I don't think I'm even going to need to thrust to blast off in here..."

"Hehgrrmm...leave it to amp things up..."

While enjoying the ass worshipping immensely, Shun couldn't help but feel this was all proving much too slow-paced for him, feeling VERY much pent up and getting rather tired of literally not giving any fucks. Momentarily breaking their twincestual and rather fiery kissing, the great red released his brother's shoulders and lunged forward to press his hands down extra firmly on the dragon's sexy footpaws at the heels. In the next motion, he forcefully PUSHED them towards Guan as the chains attached JERKED his Juicelover's neck and head forward to practically SLAM that muzzle of his deep up into his wet rear opening without any warning! At this, their dragon suddenly stiffened and went unresponsive as his snout was now so suddenly burrowed eye-deep in hybrid anal flesh giving him the full and undiluted scent of anal musk, Shun wincing a bit himself at the sudden feeling of his anal ring spread open so quickly! Even Guan was groaning quite sharply himself as that passage he was knot-deep inside suddenly became so tight that he could hardly move!

To Guan's relief though, it didn't take more than a second before both VERY swiftly recovered as in the next motion, Shun took his fat purple dick, aimed it right at his pet's black cock...and THRUST hard forward, GROWLING strongly with a fiery cringe from between his teeth as their pet's cock down to the knot was suddenly was ENGULFED into his own, forcing the black muzzle to messily SPLORTCH out of that gaping ass for a moment as Juicelover gasped and roared out at the sudden feeling! To be inside that VERY tight distended purple cockflesh at last while getting bred and staring into a dark purple tunnel ripe with juicy strands clinging still to his muzzle...Guan knew his pet must have been feeling a kind of exquisite balance of ecstatic bliss and torture from not being able to cum from the cockring--otherwise he surely would have LONG ago--that was nearly impossible to describe. Personally, the green dragon LOVED the resultant HARD clench and then subsequent loosening flutter around his dick as a result, spraying all the more pre inside, the desire to knot his boy increasing ALL the more as accelerated by his red brother's actions!

"Ggg..GYYYAArrrmm that damn good!!"

And thus their movements got right to accelerating as Shun pulled sharply back to extract all but the tip of that black dragon dick from his own, gripping those feet with Guan now joining in with the pulls to PLUNGE his draggyboy right back muzzle-deep into the red hybrid's drooling ever-productive juiceport! Over and over Shun thrust that smaller cock in and out of his larger one, faster and faster, giving the dragon barely time to breathe as he so rapidly and SOOO happily licked and rooted around inside whenever he possibly could to drink as much juice as he could lap up and lavish as much inner flesh from anal ring to prostate!

Chains jangled and rattled, the altar quaking and creaking the harder and more vigorously the two dragons worked their restrained playmate. More juice! More cocks! Guan could easily discern those thoughts going through his sexy guy's mind over and over, that fantastic tailring so tightly wrapped around his shaft and leaking and splashing with all the pre Guan's huge pounding length was pumping into it. His Meatlover wouldn't be able to hold back much longer without passing out as Guan well knew, and with that in mind, Guan started to give his own thrusts considerably more weight and speed to match with the milking rhythmic clenches his dragon kept putting upon him., SO determined to bury that huge knot of his past with his dragon's happiness and pleasure threshold growing and growing!

Shun's own pre was likewise spurting out in considerable droves around his boy's black cock and knot and orange balls as well, and cockblocked as he was going to be when that knot would at last pop inside and inflate into his cocktip, Shun was intent on not dwelling on the painful but still delightful sensation of that throbbing maleness stabbing up past his strongly thrusting one. Instead, he focused all his orgasmic desire and need to release upon the spot where that muzzle was being rapidly pumped in and out of him, making the pheromone juice pump and spurt all the more and messier! Juicelover did his VERY best to keep up with this naturally, his jaws gaping open inside to take big gulps while spreading those walls out and getting his tongue as far inside that juicy cavity as possible...only to be CLAMPED shut whenever Shun would frequently bear his ass down every time his cocktip MASHED against that knot, those ankles jerked constantly, drawing each cock harder in, faster, Guan and Shun panting with the exertion!

"FUUCKkk...I can FEEL it's COMING..."

"STUFF IT IN BRO!!" roared out Shun with his head tilted back as after a good long many minutes of hard rimming and pounding, the point of no return was at last come! Just as he knew his boy wanted SOOO badly, Guan pressed his knot against that stretched anal slit with as much force as he dared, applying MORE pressure...MORE...until at LONG last to his great relief his huge knot finally JAMMED right inside at the same time as an especially hard rocking thrust from Shun drew his balls tight against the chains on either side as the smaller dragon's knot PLUNGED into the tip of his shaft!! Feeling a HUGE rush of passion burn through them, both hybrids SNARLED as loudly as they could with a heavy flame issuing from both towards the ceiling as their knots inflated to tie inside and pulse outside of their slutty boy respectively. Guan's cocktines stiffened visibly out in the deepest portion of his boy's silky bowels that they could reach, and just in time, Shun's cocktines found his Juicelover's cockring and gripped it hard to make it glow BRIGHTLY and expand outwards, thus activating at LONG last the ability to cum that had been denied many times over by now!

Any heavy flaming ROARS that the black dragon under Shun would have released along with his Masters at this feeling of utmost ecstasy in reaching the very peak of happiness were drowned out by a sudden heavy CONVULSION from Shun's spicy purple ass all the way down to the facial features, rewarding his boy's open maw with a FLOOD of pheromone juices gushing out from the prostate gland directly! Shun's ass made DAMN sure that EVERY gulp of that juice was like feeling the UTMOST pleasure all over again! Shun's purple cock ensured that EVERY shot of Juicelover's seed being blasted out into his knot en masse would have the strength of one orgasm alone! And best of all, Guan's full balls striking now flush against Meatlover's ass made EVERY massive jet of seed that now hosed down the full length of the dragon's guts all the more powerful as it only made him cum HARDER! Thanks to his solid tie, the giant green's dragon copious seed had nowhere to go after being blasted out but constantly inside, and the feeling of that lower belly steadily expanding only made Shun tense up and gush all the more plentifully! All three dragons were in a constant state of ecstatic orgasmic bliss now as blue and yellow flame struck across the ceiling, fueling each other's releases ever onward, SO much juice and seed pumped into stomach and bowels respectively...and their bloating pet would take it all, EVERY LAST DROP, with the biggest and happiest smile formed around Shun's quaking inner flesh...without a doubt the VERY luckiest dragon in the world!!

Eventually though--Guan could not recall when--at long last he felt himself uttering the words "All stop~", their playtoy once again going limp as Guan's knot finally POPPED back out in a messy splash to leave a thick glob of his seed oozing out around the edges. Shun likewise finally planted a large foot upon the altar next to the dragon with a loud WHUMP and tugged firmly to free the dragon's cock out of his own as well as that stained muzzle from the hot moist confines of his spicy anal cavity, rudely slapping his slimy balls upon his dragon's face to obscure his vision even now. In his wake, the red had left a very sticky trail of dragon cum splashing out of his cock and all over his boy's frontside, and both his and the black dragon's tips were still drooling with seed as a result, Shun quite wickedly pleased to see it drip down while gripping his shaft and his brother to exchange a smoky fiery smooch once more. Despite Guan's instructions having been erased, the well-flooded dragon below them still wore that goofy and utterly content smile with his musk-coated tongue still hanging out, wearing Shun's hefty orbs like a pair of goggles...Shun chuckled at this, knowing his marked breath would smell like spicy hybrid ass for quite a long time, In contrast, Guan's face couldn't be more content, relishing the afterglow with half of his cock still buried nice and far inside the prone dragon below him as he more lovingly kissed his brother now and exchanged flame together, still breathing hard after having spent himself so happy with the route they had taken to break in their latest catch...

Oh, but it wasn't over yet~

"Mmmm...I do believe...he's ready for you now bro~"

"Heh, about damn time. Now get your fat ass out of the way before I decide to ream you a new one instead, love. Gonna show you how it's really done~" snarled Shun in his usual cocky fashion though with a note of affection towards his big spent green twin, Guan simply chuckling with a puff of heart-shaped smoke escaping his lips as their kiss ended and his cock fell out of the much-looser ass below him with a messy slop of seed gushing out on the floor and all over their dragon's bound tail. With that, Shun hopped right off the altar and began to stomp his way with that mad look of fucking need to BREED in his eyes. Sensing danger, Guan immediately moved to the side and over to where Shun was seconds ago, leaning in to look into his dragon's sightless eyes and his panting beautiful heavily spiced-up features.

"My goodness, you really did a number on him here~"

"Ain't nothing compared to what I'm about to do now," growled Shun lustily as he gripped his dazed pet's feet firmly to lift that messy rump up nice and high with absolutely no resistance while hotdogging his huge drippy cum-filled shaft across those much smaller buns. Guan took this momentary teasing Shun was engaged in to dip his muzzle down with a wrinkle of his nose at the strong familiar amount of smell before kissing his pet more solidly, much bigger jaws wrapped around his. He then began breathing quite a large amount of spirit flame into his lungs to help strengthen his constitution, invigorate his senses, and loosen his muscles up...all necessary steps. Looking back on it, the big green was quite thankful that he and his brother had such a powerful ability to capture the dragon's "self" for as long as needed; otherwise, this probably wouldn't be NEARLY as fun as it was about to get.

"Let's both give him instruction this time. Ready?."

"FUCKTOY!! You are nothing more than a cocksleeve to be used over and over again! Getting powerfucked by Masters' gigantic cocks is your only purpose in life! It is what makes you alive! If a Master's cock is not hammering away as hard as it can inside of you, you will wither away to nothing! Every time his knot pops out of you, you will feel like you MUST have it back inside just for your heart to beat! Being fucked and bred and filled as full as you possibly can by a Master is being alive! You will CRAVE it with every fiber of your being! Masters' cocks make you feel whole! And when Masters have used you to their heart's content and the last drop of seed has been spilled, time will stop until you are ready to be used again. Listen well!"

"ASSTOY!" Guan spoke right away when prompted, noticing something Shun conveniently left out as he started to turn around and spread his legs wide while squatting down to expose his own green-apple ass and pink juicy pucker to his boy's slick maw, "You will feel no pain and be invulnerable when a Master is breeding you long as you are eating another Master's ass out as deeply and completely as possible. You won't be able to breathe without your muzzle deep inside your Master's ass inhaling his musk. You will feel intense thirst that can only be quenched by drinking as much juice and licking as much flesh as you can. Your Masters' asses make you feel whole. And when Masters have used you to their heart's content and the last drop of juice has been spilled, time will stop until you are used again, and then may you feel alive once more. Starting..."

"NOW!!" ROARED out the red lizard as he could not wait any longer, immediately gripping those legs as two important things happened at once upon the suddenly VERY active and craving toy below them! First was Shun just brutally DRIVING his massive cock forward up against that backdoor opening to immediately SLAM that enormous ass destroyer ALL in at ONCE! Second was Guan just PLANTING his huge backside on down against his dragon's face to surround it in gooey pink well-juiced anal flesh and beyond, his entrance considerably looser and even more malleable than his brother's own! Even as his fucktoy suddenly HEAVED as if brought back to life, Shun's knot only bothered to stay out of the shuddering tailring for only a split-second before another savage thrust caused it to SLAM right inside and bulge his bitch's already rotund figure out considerably once again with balls CRASHING against that rump ferociously!

Guan, through his intense moaning lusty note at the sudden STARVED eating of his yet-to-climax best spots within his massive rotund backside as if it were a oasis full of citrous fruit and water sustaining life in a hostile desert, couldn't be more pleased with himself for applying that protective layer of flame as he looked back. Had he not, he imagined that Shun's crashing hips as he leaned in coupled with the sheer snorting FULL FORCE he put behind every thrust now would have rearranged his boy's passage and internal organs to a shape akin to that of a pretzel. That earlier stuffing from Guan was now being WHOLLY taken advantage of by Shun now, his knot brutally and almost violently RIPPING in and out of that loosened ass as unmistakable SCREAMS of desire for MOOOOORE, HAAAAARDER were being drowned up in Guan's anal ring that flexed and sprayed sustaining delivering juice into his maw each time!

This had gone beyond just making Masters happy and right into survival and SHEER bliss for the dragon as if being utterly ravaged and used OVER and OVER, AGAIN and AGAIN, HARDER and HARDER were the ONLY and BEST thing in life! Constantly now did the two loving yet EVER so rough and dominant dragon hybrids spout out some of their most creative invective, and it would only turn their toy on all the more and more! With these particular commands programmed in, there would be no need for further uses of "All stop". All they had to do from now on was speak the name "Fucktoy" and "Asstoy", and every time a Master cock (or two!) would stuff itself inside, or anytime a pheromone-filled hybrid pucker would grind against the dragon's muzzle, their pet would crave NOTHING more but their VERY juiciest and muskiest output! And they would give NOTHING less than their most to him!

There was no doubt about how tonight would end, with Shun flooding his pet to the very brim, so sore and gaped that he would likely not be able to move off the altar even if he weren't bound, and Guan supplying so much of his juice that his dragon would not be able to taste anything else for a long while. Looking into his brother's lust-crazed eyes, he saw a glint deep within their blazing surface, one of utter satisfaction at being able to fuck as hard as he wanted without causing permanent damage and to have such a participant made willing to their every whim without fear of being broken no matter how hard they tried. Shun's hunger was sated. Their dragon was a keeper, and that cockring representing his ownership would stay right where it was for a very long time to cum. Guan would make sure of that!

When they had a free moment, Guan resolved to speak to the will of "Jace" later on, get to know him better, introduce him to their other pets, maybe even see if he could convince him to stick around. Certainly he wanted him to remember all this...even want it for himself~ For now though, as long as he belonged to the hybrids, the new life of Masters' new favorite dragon was just beginning.

Rescue from the Golden Chamber (Written by Charem)

We Balukathi always desire food. Being desert-dwellers, there is an important rule ingrained into our instincts: if food is discovered, let not a scrap of it go uneaten - as you never know where and when your next meal will be found. This instinct...

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