Cannabis Canines

Story by megagirl567 on SoFurry

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#5 of Erotica

Meggan takes Fox on a magical adventure that he will never forget!


Marijuana content may not be suitable

(I think its fine but I'm not in charge here)

Another day lived

(Cannabis Canines)

It was priceless, for I had not felt happier then that moment sitting next to him in days. His smile was one of love and compassion. Fox was barely able to look me in the eyes without smiling and blushing away in a giggle. The amount of love he felt for me was returned as well. I was his beautiful pink vixen, and after feeling real fur and making beautiful love, I was truly happy. I looked into his eyes, pleading him for something more. I wanted to get lost in him like I had done at home.

"Fox... have you ever smoked pot?" I asked knowing the answer already as he had said over Skype.

"No, I haven't some of the stoner Mexicans offer it to me but I've never smoked it..." He replied knowing I smoked it often to ease my crooked spine from pain.

"What if I told you I had some with me, some that I know will work very well. I want to see what you're like high Foxy! It's is an amazing feeling!" I said with a huge smile spreading across my plush face.

"But, But! What if we get caught! I don't want to go to jail!" He pleaded as he sat restlessly.

"Fox were home alone on a farm, plus the cops are probably sitting in their car tokin' it right now!" I said as I stood, taking his paw and pulling him before I paused and looked up into his eyes.

"Come to think of it I think they would be more concerned with our appearance than the weed..." I said as I ruffled his swaying tail.

"Should we change back?" He asked nervously as he looked at himself and held my paw tighter.

"No, please, I've never experienced what it does to this new body..." I yipped and begged him with my eyes.

"Okay, but I don't want my room to smell like it..." He said as he scratched at his long brown hair nervously.

"Do you have a shed or something around? Maybe an old car, something enclosed?" I said as we walked into the house.

"There's a closet in the stable, why do we need such a small area? Why not smoke it outside?" He asked, showing his true inexperience with the substance.

I struggled into his bedroom and knelt to the floor, my fur felt tingly with the cool air. I opened my bag and pulled out a sealed container.

"So the smoke doesn't run away." I said as I wagged my tails.

"It's a miracle I have it, there's the benefit of driving the whole way here I guess. I would never get this through a plane." I said as I put the small plastic container full of necessities in a purse and stood up.

"Show me where to go Hun." I said with a smile.

He led me the long walk to the stable. We entered the large gate; a cat rushed by and ran outside. I didn't pay it much mind. He showed me the small closet as horses neighed at us. I stepped into the closet and sat on an overturned bucket; Fox stood in the corner and shut the door halfway.

"There's no light in here..." He said worried.

I replied by taking a flashlight out of my plastic box and turning it on, it flooded the small space with light. Fox closed the door. I pulled out my glass chillum and packed it with the dry green buds.

"What breed of weed is it?" Fox asked, seeming like a worried child.

"What STRAIN of MARIJUANA you mean? It's Pineapple Express, it causes dry eyes and dry mouth, but it works great at making you happy and euphoric and uplifted and all that good shit, all while it relieves stress." I said regurgitating the information I read of the strain online.

"Is that good?" He asked timidly.

"Shut up and watch how I do it." I said with a sexy growl, Fox blushed and leaned against the wall as I tilted back my head and holding a lighter to the pipe, took a long deep hit.

I struggled on the burning smoke and handed it to him before I flailed and blew the smoke out my nose, making me flinch at the taste.

"God damn!" I said as I swayed from a head rush. "Do it baby, I'm getting you to the Aether!" I said as I stood and light the pipe for him.

Fox took a long hard hit but pushed me away as he coughed and gagged, smoke billowing out of his mouth and nose. I gave him a bottle of water from my purse and he drank it with watery eyes.

"You will get better, when it starts to burn, suck in some fresh air through your nose, or take little puffs okay?" I said trying to reassure him, being reminded of my first time as well.

I took another smooth hit, using the puffing method to show him how. He watched my smoke billow upward in the yellowed light of the flashlight and lighter. The closet was already becoming hazy and my senses were going wild. Intense smells, scorning smoke, and the crackle of fresh burnt bud filled me. I handed fox the pipe and he took a gentle hit. We continued this pattern for at least ten minutes until the bowl was crashed. I dumped the ashes into a clean little jar and loaded another load of bud into the pipe.

"Is that the same stuff?" Fox asked with dryness in his voice before he took a drink and coughed a little.

"Nope, this is Blue cheese baby. Causes dry mouth but is excellent to feel euphoric, lazy and stress free." I smiled and handed him the bowl. He took the perfect hit and handed it back.

I took a hit and looked at him; he smiled back and breathed a sigh of light smoke. He was absorbing it well; it would not be long now. My pipe had a gram bowl, and I had plenty of goods left. I handed back the pipe and we smoked this next bowl quietly. My body ached to pounce all over my mate and lap at his ears. I could see the bulge in his pants from looking at me in my tight bikini.

I started giggling at the way the sides of my tongue had turned numb, and how my spine felt numb too, I could almost feel the flaky curves it took. I looked at Fox; His brown eyes were almost gone under his pupils. He stuck his tongue out as cute as a puppy and blew smoke at me. I smoked the last hit of the bowl and blew it back. I dumped out the ashes into the jar again and put the smoking gear away. Fox tilted his head at me, seeming more animally than he should be. I looked into my purse trying to ignore the sensation of bubbles in my brain and took out a few hash brownies, I gave fox one and he lapped at it puppy-like with his pink tongue. I ate mine up before I gave into myself and threw myself at fox. I kissed him and closed my eyes, the taste of chocolate on our tongues. I kissed him for so long that I forgot I was kissing him and was feeling that it was an interview of how well we could kiss.

I broke away from him in a spasm and giggled heavily as I rushed out of the closet, leaving a long plume of smoke in my path. I ran and dived into a nearby pile of hay, rejoicing in the heightened feeling all over my body. I could feel every square inch of my body at once, and felt no pain from the prickly bed of yellow strands. I gazed into the ceiling thinking about how sink faucets worked and how horrible it would be if one exploded. Fox leaped on top of me, for a moment I was scared and confused. My brain told me he was Fox but he was not the teenage boy I usually pictured in my head, he was a fluffy anthro-furry and try as I might I couldn't get over it. That is, until I realized I was a fox as well and threw my worries to the wind that swept over me with a cold feeling that I always feel when I'm high. I always feel cold things when I'm high, and hot things I never feel. I associate my world with the feelings of hot and cold, pain is hot because I cannot feel it, and salt is always cold. I guess it's just the way my brain functions when it's inhibited. I always feel that I'm controlling my brain from the place of my subconscious mind, and that my subconscious mind is acting as my active mind.

"Megggggaaaaa can you hear mee?" Fox said making me jump. I literally had forgotten him.

"Yessum Hun... I'm.... I'm pretty fucked up...." I said as I began to feel my own pulse and my vision became strange.

My eyes started to act funny, in a way they did not do often, they acted in the way they had acted when I got really really high for the first time, and I could see small colorful visions that made shapes like I was looking into the world from a collide-o-scope. It looked like bubbles floating up from the dark edges of my vision, and waves coming down from the top... and it seemed to randomly change but the more I paid attention the more lost in it I became....

I looked over at fox, he way rubbing his tail against his face in large circular motions, smiling at the feeling it made. I reared my butt to him and used my three thick pink tails to brush against him wherever they would reach at his face and shoulders. Fox swooned and nibbled at the tips of my tails before he glided his paws down them to my backside. He slowly traced two fingers down my thong bottoms, making the moisture seep through them with a small squish. I eep-ed quietly as I gazed endlessly into the grass outside the barn door and the way the sunlight danced along the sides of every leaf on every tree I could see. I gasped when he traced his tongue where his fingers had just traveled and slid my thong off gently. I heard the sounds as he removed his pants in a drowsy slur, I wasn't even sure if he remembered what he was going to do when they were off the way he bounced around trying to get them off of his ankles.

When he had accomplished the crusades of de-panting, Fox slipped his boxers off gently and very very slowly before he came up close behind me, then he glided his full erection up and down against my moist foxy puss. He gently slid in and I could feel his budding knot press heavily against me, it didn't hurt when he slowly eased it in and out as he started to thrust. I moaned as every thrust rubbed my body against the rough bedding we were resting in. I then pulled away and flipped over. I smiled looking up at him from my back; he did not hesitate to slide his ridged regnard cock inside me once again. He released a growl that faded into a long moan before he looked down at me hungrily and pressed his mouth to mine in a kiss. I whined as his knot smashed against my sensitive puss as he worked his legs hard to give me everything he had. I pulled my mouth away and screamed out as his knot tied us. He moaned out and lifted my leg over his shoulder before continuing to pound into me, his knot pulling me with every thrust.

The smells, I'm fearful to even begin to describe them. They painted visions in my eyes of both beast and man. His fur stood on end, his breath hot against my maw. His left arm was pulsing gently with every thrust, blurring my vision. The claws of his right paw pressed firm against my soft left breast. My nipple was cold and erect against his rough paw-pad. The scent of our love alone made me moan, the feeling of his knot constantly tugging and then pushing against me made my heart throb in tune. He moaned out and I jerked, for he had not made much sound. He growled and the throaty noise made my ears twitch. I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed at his scruff with my little paws. It was then that the sensation swelled inside me as if I was going to burst. My throat was dry and my blood rushed, but I managed to verbalize.

"Fox! ... I can't... I caaann't handle much more of this... baby it feels soo gooood. Babyyyyy!" I growled uncontrollably as I tightened my grip and pulled at his thighs with my now moistened tails.

"Comoonn hun, Finish with me baby, pleaseee hun... Megaaa....I loveeee youuu....." He kissed me heavily as he trusted deep and hard into me, slowing his pace into strained bursts into me. He moaned several more times as he did. My body shook and I gripped him so hard that my nails cut into his skin, moistening a few small punctures with bloody fur. He gasped for his breath ad he thrusted deep inside me one last time and expelled his hot fox cum. My vaginal canal tightened around his member in orgasmic pulses. I yipped and yiffed in pleasure, letting out long warm notes. His knot pulsed constantly as it began to very slowly deflate. The smell of orgasm filled my lungs and I held Fox close, his musk making me calm from my peak. I reached up and tugged at one of his ears gently as I smiled. He giggled between heavy breaths and did the same to me. I licked his nose gently and closed my eyes.

"This has been the best one yet hun... But now I'm really in the mood for some cookies..." I said gaining a moment of sheer clarity.

"There's some in the cupboard inside, I'll race you..." Fox slipped gently out of me and grabbing up both of our clothes, he began to run naked across the yard to the back door. I hurried to the door of the barn, and looking to make sure nobody was around, I made a mad dash as well.


The Date Day 3 (Part 2) ~AV productions

**_Into The Water_** I turned the knob of his bedroom door, it was small and brass colored, it opened easily. I slipped inside the dim room with no lights. His light was broken and he was in need of a lamp. I poked around my bag in the light...

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The Date Day 3 (Part 1) ~AV productions

**_Out of the Comfort Zone_** He kissed me. I was sitting there next to him on his warm bed, playing minecraft on my HP pavilion dv6. He had his MacBook doing the same. He leaned over and kissed me while distracting me with the task of asking me...

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The Date Day 2 -AV productions

**_The Great Fox Couple_** **_ _** I could hear an alarm going off. That's all I cared about when my mind came to life in the morning, the alarm I heard going off. It sounded like it was distant, in a different part of the house. I waited for...

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