Eccentric Orbit: Epilogue

Story by AwkwardFerret on SoFurry

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#5 of Eccentric Orbit

Finally, it's finished! It took a while, but ExtremeWolf80 was an extremely good sport about it, and gave me more patience than I probably deserved. I've elected not to do a sequel, at least for now, but you'll be seeing some new stuff hopefully soon.

Eccentric Orbit



Denver, Colorado

About a week and a half later...

Standing in his massive, luxurious, and mostly empty office, exactly one hundred stories above the countless lanes of dense traffic beneath, Van Allen watched the horizon in giddy anticipation. Anybody walking in at that moment might have presumed him mad, since it was about one-thirty in the afternoon and he was facing south, but he knew better. In his old age, he wouldn't have noticed the subtle glimmer of light in the atmosphere without the help of several complex procedures first tested on his eyes, and even then, it was a challenge. Only because he knew exactly where to look did he notice the return shuttle's grand entrance into the atmosphere almost fifty miles away from the city. A subtle plume of smoke hinted it's initial landing, and he sucked in a sharp breath, holding it as he waited for his phone to ring.

Soon, it did, the subtle grace of Bach's Prelude in C Major No. 1 filling the room. He brought his hand to his ear and tapped his fingers against his palm, silencing the music and allowing the message to come through.

"Landing successful," the woman on the other end said, sounding rather disinterested. "All biological signs as expected, and all passengers responsive. They should be ready for pickup by the time you arrive, Mr. Allen."

"Thank you." He tapped his fingers against his palm again, and stepped away from the window, spending a moment in quiet contemplation...before loudly cheering and pumping his fist in the air.

"Yes! Yes!" he said. "It's working fucking perfectly!"

He ran to the door of his office (made entirely of real mahogany, naturally) and dashed outside, immediately running to the express elevator. The trip down was a bit of a blur for him, as was the trip through the rather shocked crowd in the lobby. When he stepped outside, he paused and took a breath, observing the three magnetic hover-lanes stacked atop the original wheel lane on the bottom. Upon this bottom lane, there was a sleek, white, century-old hand-restored Humvee limousine, easily large enough to carry all of his soon-to-be passengers.

The door opened automatically as he stepped up to it, and when he got inside, a robotic voice accosted him.

"Where would you like to go today, Mr. Allen?" it asked.

"Septus Landing Platform Beta, as soon as possible."

"Excellent choice, sir."

He couldn't help but huff slightly as the car pulled out automatically. Leave it to an AI-propelled car to understate something so vastly. Too much driving stuff to leave in actual thought processes, he though, as it travelled through the streets. Ever since magnetically propelled cars started growing in popularity, and magnetic roads started being built, most had switched over, since they were simply that much better. Of course, some thought it pointless or dangerous, or simply wanted to keep their status symbols in use, so they kept using the original tarmac roads.

I miss driving myself, he thought, as the car turned itself onto the highway leading to his landing platform. Guess I'm just too busy these days.

The traffic, as always, was extremely dense; still, it moved along almost perfectly, thousands of AIs working in tandem to determine the most efficient method of accomplishing the most ancient task; getting from point A to point B. Ancients, of course, would not have done it in automatically-propelled cars driving at almost two-hundred miles per hour, but they didn't have much of anything.

Like lifespans past thirty. He gave a dark chuckle at that; progress was quite a good thing. He wouldn't have lived to his age without some pretty advanced medical technology; the best in the world, as was befitting his wealth.

"Estimated arrival: fifteen minutes," the car blared, derailing his train of thought, in favor of boarding a new one: how all those ladies would look like with all that time to develop...and, of course, the man responsible. He almost stirred at the thought, but managed to control it before he had to do something dire. It wouldn't be very appropriate to greet them after their return to Earth sweaty and tired and with his pants on backwards.

Thus, when the car blazed through the security checkpoint and came to a screeching, perfect stop outside the waiting building, he stepped out relaxed, energetic, and not sporting an erection.

The final item did not last long when he stepped inside and was confronted with not only a rather profound amount of Richter's scent, but the sight of no less than five naked, obviously pregnant (though not yet hugely so) ladies sitting around on the various couches that had been laid out. Richter himself was sitting next to Helen, one thick arm curled around her to rub at her growing pregnancy.

"Oh, Van Allen!" Sally greeted, slithering over to him with great speed despite the extra weight she was carrying. "You got here awfully fast."

"I, uh, used the tarmac..." he stammered, unable to prevent himself from staring at her breasts. Had they gotten bigger? She hadn't been in cryostasis, and they certainly looked larger...

Sally chuckled as he kept staring. "What's the matter? Never seen a woman before?"

"Er, uh--" in an instant, he collected himself, and began speaking more properly. "Sorry about that, you caught me off guard. How was the trip back?"

"Okay, I guess," Carolyn said, arching her back slightly. "Spending that long in zero-gravity wasn't very good for my back, though."

"Eh, that'll go back to normal pretty soon," he said. "Any other problems?"

They all shook their heads.

"Great! If you'll come with me, I have a special surprise for all of you!"

"It's not your penis, is it?" Richter guessed, eyeing the conspicuous bulge in his pants.

"Doesn't look very impressive from here," Valentina offered. "I might need to borrow a microscope from Sally."

"All right, that's enough!" he cried, covering his groin with one hand in what he hoped was a convincing cover-up. "Do you want the damn surprise or not?"

"Yes, yes, Valentina's just being...well, herself," Richter said. The bear rolled her eyes, but decided not to say anything else. "Shall we?"

As they all stood up, rather slowly of course, Van Allen turned back around.

"It might be a bit of a tight fit," he warned. "I mean, Richter is huge, and you're all...ah, a bit burdened."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" Sally asked.

"What? No! Of course not! It's just, you know, your, ah..."

"Oh, I'm just kidding." She slithered past, offering a quick kiss on his nose as she went outside. "Should I just let myself in?"

"Uh, feel free," he answered, touching the spot where she made contact.

As he simply stood there, the others shuffled out, and by the time he managed to collect, they had all arranged themselves inside. Of course, even in the spacious interior, Richter was mere centimeters from scraping the roof with his head, and Sally's long, thick tail occupied much of the floor, forcing him to work around it for the last spot.

"This thing drive itself?" Carolyn asked.

"Yeah, I had an actual driver once, but all he did was bitch at me," Van Allen explained. "Speaking of which, AI, take us to the surprise, please!"

"Immediately, sir!" The limo pulled away, nearly giving the others whiplash with its great speed. After it pulled away from the security checkpoint, it turned onto a side road, avoiding the highway entirely.

"What's the surprise?" Julie asked, turning around to look out the window, trying to see what she could. "I love surprises!"

"I think you'll love this one," Van Allen said. "But I couldn't tell you yet, it would spoil it!"

"I couldn't guess what it was," Sally admitted. "After that little space adventure you set up, I can't imagine what else you have in store."

"Oh, don't worry, this is a little more down to Earth. Still cost a bit to set up, though."

"Man, I sure love riddles," Valentina said, rolling her eyes. "What would cost that much, anyway?"

"A lot of it was paying people to look the other way," Van Allen admitted. "Richter isn't supposed to be on this planet, you know."

"Which is just awful!" Helen complained. "How can they justify banning you from an entire planet? That's..." She trailed off, unable to find any more words.

"I agree entirely, complete violation of his basic rights, and fucking stupid, too. Luckily for me, money talks, and I can talk rather loudly. Anyway! If I have this right, we should almost be there."

Julie glanced out the window again, noticing a rather large grey structure in the distance. "Is it that grey thingy?"

"Ooh, exciting," Carolyn said.

"No, the surprise is inside the grey thingy, er, wall."

"Wall in?" Richter asked. " you mean?"

"You'll find out in just a few moments."

They waited, only for the car to suddenly slow down, passing through another checkpoint. Van Allen smiled as they entered what appeared to be an impressive garden...and then some.

"Ladies and gentleman, I give you...Richterburg!"

The car stopped completely and Van Allen immediately stepped outside; not knowing what else to do, they all followed his example and stepped outside, Richter being the first.

The first thing he noticed, before any of the other things "Richterburg" had to offer, was the vibrant red, obviously pregnant Chinese dragon sitting on the park bench next to Van Allen. It was equivalent to a full-term for a regular pregnancy, but everybody knew she had quite a way to go, judging by how small it was compared to her impressively, almost impossibly large breasts above it.

""Liu!" he said. "It's wonderful to see you!"

"About time you showed up," she said, grinning nonetheless. "I was getting bored of this place."

"This place cost three billion dollars to set up!" Van Allen complained.

"Yes, but without _him_here, it's just not as fun."

" this that dragon you mentioned?" Sally asked.

"Ah, yes, of course. Girls, I'd like you to meet Liu. She was actually my first breeder, and apparently our second clutch is doing quite well." He set a hand on her pregnancy, and Julie did as well, giddy at the thought of being such a massive size herself.

"I can feel it kicking!" she said.

"They're eggs, genius," said Liu. "They don't kick."

"Ooh, I like her already," said Valentina.

"Wait, second clutch?" Sally asked. "When did you get a chance to do that?"

"The quarantine was rather liberal," said Richter. "Like Van Allen said, money talks...and apparently three billion does this. What is this?"

"A town," the goat began. "A whole city, really, for you, your breeders, and your offspring. Luxurious homes, maternal care facilities, medical and recreational expense was spared."

"What about our stuff?" Carolyn asked.

"Already brought in and set up," he continued. "You can come and go as you please, of course; it's not a prison. I don't know why you'd need to, but the option is there."

"Wow," Helen said. "This is certainly a surprise."

"You're quite a guy, Al," Richter said. "You might consider changing the name though; I'm not that egotistical."

The goat waved his hand. "Ah, it was kind of a placeholder anyway. We'll think of something. Anyway, I'm busy and I have some stuff to get back to, so...if you want to introduce the girls to your other breeders or do some exploring on your own, feel free."

He stepped back inside his car, and it practically peeled out, leaving them on their own.

"Well, you have about three months before you won't be able to move," Liu said. "Plenty of time for me to show you around this place."

"By all means," Sally said, observing the expanse of shining white buildings distributed amongst impressive trees and greenery. "I'd love to see this place, it seems like an excellent place to have some clutches."


Sally and Liu were both right. An army of assistants and every imaginable amenity made it an excellent place indeed not just to have clutches, but to live outright; and by the time Sally had her first clutch months later, her massive belly, full of no less than a dozen ostrich-sized eggs, and breasts which had similarly grown to what she could only presume was like an I-cup, made it near impossible to move around her new house. She had, against Richter's insistence, crammed as much research and recreation into the final few weeks, but was eventually forced to simply (Gasp!) lie around and soak up heat around her home, as snakes were wont to do.

Today, however, she was finally able to do something.

"Aaaagh!" she cried, her huge belly and similarly huge breasts heaving as another massive contraction coursed through her. At least, she presumed it was a contraction; regular contractions probably weren't meant to feel quite so good as these ones. In the hour since her labor had finally started, she'd had at least...oh, she couldn't even recall how many orgasms she had managed to reach just from these feelings alone, and they just kept coming, faster and bigger each time!

"You're doing wonderfully, Sally," Richter said, clutching her hand. He didn't really need to, of course, since she was hardly in pain, but it was rather poor form to not be present for her very first laying.

"Just focus on the good feelings," Liu offered, rubbing over her own growing belly, the third clutch with Richter. "Makes it way easier."

A particularly strong contraction washed over the snake, from her head to the very tip of her massive tail, and she immediately knew what was happening. "It's coming!" she yelled, feeling the end of the large egg pushing outside of her womb with relative ease. "Oh, god, it's coming!"

"If you can take Richter, you can push out one of his eggs," Liu offered. "You're doing great, hon, keep it up!"

The breath left Sally's throat as the egg pushed through completely. She had done it! She was having an actual clutch! Two weeks ago, she would have thought it was impossible, but as the massive egg pushed through her cervix and into the tunnel leading outside, she knew it was the truth, and that she would be having many, many more. How could she have resisted when not just the contractions, but the egg itself felt incredible? It was barely even out, and yet already stretched her out more than even Richter, yet it didn't hurt a bit, quite the opposite; it seemed to simultaneously press against all her most sensitive spots, scraping against them as it passed through to the outside world.

"It's crowning!" Liu said. " that the right word?" Right word or not, the white, rounded tip of the egg had still managed to exit her vent, making good progress to the outside despite its great size.

"It's beautiful," Richter said, once it was almost halfway out, gleaming with streaks of fluid. Sally leaned her head back and cried out as it passed its widest point, finally pushing her past the brink and into a new sort of orgasm, one she wouldn't have thought of before meeting the magnificent eagle stud that had given her this clutch.

"Of course, I would expect a beautiful egg from a beautiful woman," he said, reaching a hand down to her face. He looked her straight in the eyes as her very first egg was laid, Liu grabbing it and setting it down on one of a nearby group of pillows, carefully wiping it of any fluids until it was shining on its own. "But you still have several more to go."

She nodded, and pushed as hard as she could, until the next egg was lined up to go, equal in size to the previous, yet it had no easier time of leaving her womb, the stretching and grinding feeling of it passing through easily enough to get her to the next sexual high, this one almost greater than the last. All thought left her head except for the white, life-giving orbs she was producing, each one allowing her belly to recede just a bit more. For some time, her pussy was stretched, given little time to recover before the next egg pushed past into Liu's waiting hands. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the final bulge in her belly started travelling downwards, finding it rather easy as she was now quite stretched out. Soon, too soon, the final egg of her clutch was laid, Liu placing it among its other perfect siblings.

She could only pant as she weakly craned her head to look at them in their glory, tears coming to her eyes and Richter's as well.

"Wonderful, isn't it?" he asked, rubbing the end of his beak against her snout. "We're going to have so many more together."


"Uh, Mr. Richter?" An orderly, some sort of salamander, rushed in, staring awkwardly at the scene. "Carolyn started her labor a few minutes ago."

"Oh, sorry, Sally, it looks like we're needed," Richter said. "I'll come back and breed you again later. You okay on your own for now?"

"Yeah..." she sighed.

"If you'll, ah, come with me..."

Richter, the orderly, and Liu quickly left, not wanting to miss Carolyn's big day, leaving Sally alone with her clutch. Instinctually, she moved to coil herself around the eggs, protecting them against any possible harm with her entire body, making sure to bring some pillows with her to comfort her sore muscles. She stayed like that for some time, glowing in the aftermath of such a wondrous experience, considering her sheer luck. There was just so much to look forward to...


Van Allen grinned, wiping off his hand with a tissue as he looked at Sally through his holo-screen.

"Man, everybody's winning here," he said, moving over to Carolyn. The owl's labor was in full swing, obviously, and he already felt a bulge in his pants once more. "Including me..."

The Slumber Party

The Slumber Party ()()() The young day gecko was still doubtful about this whole affair. Of course she didn't have many friends at school; she was only six (seven in a few weeks), rarely spoke, and everybody else in her class was either a...

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