
Remember to leave your thoughts and comments below **guide** by lan the orc i have heard many stories of first times that were filled with happiness and a sense of accomplishment, i have seen my share of trideos following that trope too, perhaps that's

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Backwards forwards square and 'round

Then whenever the phone logs onto a lan, it calls out to my server from inside the lan! instant back door. i'll give you an account on the server.

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Bored Meeting

He didn't recognize the it department using the seventh floor to hold a lan party. he didn't recognize anyone milling about the floor where he worked, nor did he understand why there were so few of them.

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Bored Meeting

He didn't recognize the it department using the seventh floor to hold a lan party. he didn't recognize anyone milling about the floor where he worked, nor did he understand why there were so few of them.

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The New Face of Old Pains

At least they can help us set up the lan party." piqued and lonesome, saki looked up fully from his book. "um, uh, i--, i like lan parties," he timidly said, yet the jocks were out of earshot, and saki receded into his book. he sniffled.

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Licht und Schatten 6

Natürlich machten wir auch die ein oder andere lan-party, wobei wir meist irgendwelche neuen spiele anzockten. hinter uns schloss der mustelide die tür ab. „keine sorge! ich weil nur, dass wir ruhe vor dave haben.

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Chump Change

So anyway, i found this one lying about on the hard drive of my old pc i now use as a rental for gaming at the local lan meets, figured i may as well post it. this was written in.... '07? if memory serves? around there abouts anyway.

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Identity: Final Chapter

"fuck, you are xang lan?" damn, why hadn't he made the connection before? "to some people." he didn't like the way she was staring at him, eyes unreadable, like a fox's, filled with scheming and a confidence that she could outwit him.

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Leilani Meets Spiderman

"no, he can't, lan-" "but that would be amazing!" leilani continues excitedly. "a man who could turn into a giant spider and fight evil." "okay, for the last time, he can't turn into a spider! he just has spider powers."

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Last Flight of the Kithrasain

Shrf lan is in command, torpedo bay two." "the mouse? _khust_. communications! give me his channel!" the mouse.

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Touchdown! (OLD)

Ceeb knew he was coming, hearing those hooves gently tap against the tile as he walked, though he expected the equine to sit at one of the lan-connected pcs.

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The Battle For the Fate of Furope

"it's **lan or gren!**" joshiah grinned. "okay, langren. high king nbowa, great knights of furope, put on your best armor and prepare for battle, because today, we march...on kooky fox!"

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