A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 13: First Battle Goes Hectic
Gardevoir use physic on that lucario!" the lady reporter ordered. gardevoir obeyed and puts her palms together as the physic pokemon closed her eyes as they slowly started to glow light blue. 'crap! i knew this would happen!' david thought.
Why Wolf?
If you truly wish to be a wolf, you may just become one...even if not physically.
Penetration Testing: Chapter 4
Spring disarmed and removed the various physical barriers while mimi kept an eye out, both on the net and otherwise. most of the doors were easy to deal with once she determined what they had for physical lockouts.
Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 1
Cancel this physical!!" "your application already has been processed and approved. this unit will now proceed with the remaining portions of the physical exam," the ai spoke. "muscle tone is good. agile, flexible frame..."
Between Good and Evil
**Between Good and Evil** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Meeper_ _ _ Credit for raps, story plan and plot go to Meeper, the...
Mordecai, however, was more heavily under that time than before, the slow descent into unconsciousness taking more of a toll on him physically than he was prepared to take on, even then.
[Infosheet] Naisurian Squeaks
-physical description- squeaks are created when a being ingests a special type of naisurain crystal egg, and is then covered and sealed into a pure latex suit.
2: The Exoself and Divinity
The exoself can also be expanded directly with exogenic energy being absorbed across this link into it from the creature, which accelerates the growth of its influence over the physical world.
The Life of Another Reference Guide - General Society and Basic World Dynamics
It can have purely physical manifestation with no known special abilities or result in abilities but no physical changes while yet others have both physical changes and special abilities.
The Tome of Time in Purgatory
Before we purgatorians are physically born,our soul is born thousands of years before us and then when we are physically born our soul automatically attaches to our physical bodies as babies.
Character Profile: Sam
As well, puppet is a stand-alone element, independent of sam's physical hold. it can by physically manipulated, though not directly; only sam has control of puppet when it's in use.
Romance vs Porn
The act of sex is physical and primal, but it is best surrounded by the types of emotions that allow us to feel safe in the arms of our partner.