Chapter 4: One Groom, Two Brides, and Two Brooms
Before we start, i should mention that the church doesn't officially condone marrying multiple brides to the same groom." he purses his lips and adjusts his glasses.
Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 3, section 2)
Jason was simply amazed at the amount of mobility he got back by the simple act of being groomed.
Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 3, section 1)
#4 of wrong bride, right groom this is my very first story, and i would like it if you wouldn't mind giving me comments and constructive criticism at the bottom.
The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Five
My legs went around beside her, and started to groom her fur. there was no taste, or maybe my brain simply got rid of it. maybe there was no room for the taste, being that all my brain was focused on the fact that i was grooming the one who cared for me.
Never try food meant for a pregnant dog
That tom had to admit that his grooming work had paid off and was ready.
Oklahoma's Story Part 05
Using the grooming brushes sitting on the wall shelf intent on the wall they sat and groomed their fur while a drying light and fan helped them along.
The Prince of Vara - [Chpt 5]
"you're quite in need of care," he said moving my shaft away to groom around it. my lips shook as i took more air down into my maw. a shiver came over me as i felt a servant work to groom my back. "y-y-y-yeah. i sure did need this." "direly, my lord.
Taming the Tiger
I took my turn and groomed him. his taste was intoxicating, it was feral and sharp. i licked his shoulders, chest, neck, and ears, as he had licked mine. his dick growing ever larger as i continued to groom him. soon he was ready to take me again.
Mark'ha Was a Strange Orc
Our grooming facility." amai had to press up against the grooming bench as mark'ha enthusiastically sidled sideways through the doorframe.
Buffed and Polished
"we'll just have to make that arrangement work," the freshly-groomed leorajh sighed, stepping around the counter. already, the furfrou was tugging her panties down from under her skirt. leorajh glanced between her thighs and grinned wanly.
Healing Love - Chapter 30
Haley was given the wedding bouquet to hold, and allen then took his place in front of his groom, his paws taking the other. "dearly beloved.
Birthday Wishes
"still not used to all the people being here," he said, grooming himself. "only another few days," shikka said. "then back to normal, yah." "yah." roffi nodded.