World of Chaos: Book Two: Chapter Seven
The crude orc replied. "i know what it means!" i snapped. she put her hands up in mocking defense. "hey, sorry, you did ask." she turned to continue onward.
Elements Chapter 2
"your far to crude my bovine friend."
Death's Blood Ch. Four: Paving The Way
The brown cat hands me a key with the number three crudely etched on. he informs me, "all rooms are on the upper floor. we have only one loo, which is in the corner. we charge two pounds per night.
#002 Madison King
**a crudely drawn picture of a scary looking man was under** the man told me that mommy isn't going to wake up, and that my dad wasn't coming back from the store.
Junior Year: Wake Up
I grabbed my pocket knife from my dresser and cut a crude hole. because there weren't that many furs in the world, you had to shop at a human store and cut holes in them, unless you wanted to pay 70 bucks for a pair of jeans, which was totally bogus.
Mass Retard Effect -Day 1-
He gets on his windows account and goes to his "gmod pronz" folder, and pulls up some crudely made porn. shephard nodded in agreement as two stik figures banged hard.
Psychocalypse - Phrenic Intro
crude semblances of shapes swam by. what strength could be called upon to do anything, shifted entirely onto expanding the sanguine dawn. came a voice, through the quakesome rumbling and pallid-esque rattling behind it. "mother?"
Stantler Starter 2: The Absolution Of Despair
Misty mocked crudely, "sayonara bull dykes." but just as she opened the door her waters broke! her belly tore itself in two, and out of it exploded a human-electrode hybrid, full of pulsing white veiny flesh with a purple underside.
Tales from Anthracite City 14: The Mountain Men Cometh
Normally she would just have her minions shoot the townsfolk and burn this pitiful excuse for civilization down to the ground; humans were a crude, disgusting species that deserved little better except perhaps a continued existence under her firm boot
03 - Rain always brings out the crazies...
Rain battered against crude coverings of rags, plastic sheeting and scrap iron, making it tricky to overhear the exact wording of the exchange.
Tavern Wrench
Be upstairs in the second room on the left," she said, licking her lips in a manner she probably meant to be sexy but struck the wolf as merely crude.
Unexpected Hiking Experience Part Two
Before i could answer the sound of livestock filled my ears as i was placed into a crudely built fence made of wood and mud. the fence stood at least ten feet tall and the floor was like concrete.