The Costume Party
#4 of golden retriever puppies for everyone a squirrel in a dog fursuit draws some attention at a party. later, her heat draws a dog into a night of passion.
Meet the Party!
He worked as a priest in sunsliver cathedral for a time before being recruited into the party. he's the youngest of the party at the age of only 19, though is still a rather adept cleric, able to heal well and do a decent amount of damage to the undead.
Party Favors
"well rich people do throw the best parties." dra'coi said as he looked at his watch.
A Farewell Party
Sorry for the cliff-hanger on the last episode, I just couldn't resist. This is the fourth chapter of my series "Marshmallows and Love". I won't refer to this as a miniseries anymore, I have many kinky ideas and these two are going to be my actors for...
The Wasteland: Party
I sucked it up and told him no, let's just get to the party. we arrived at one of the tall buildings, a big sign out front saying "the prestige inn". "ooooooh fancy," i said with a smile as we walked in.
Our Party
My friend decided to have a party at his house while his parents were away (the fact that they encouraged such a party endeared them to us all), as the next year we would all be going our separate ways: college, jobs, or in the case of one of my friends, a
A Party to remember
Not much to say here honestly... It's a real sex scene, haven;t done that in awhile. zzzz * * * "Three cheers to winter break!" A tall but lanky cheetah shouted as he held up a cheap beer bottle. Two other bottles clanked against his as other...
Party politics
The next few weeks saw tina consumed by the howe party- there was so much to coordinate and schedule and although mrs.
The girl at the party
The large male seemed a little surprised, but decided to drop the conversation there, incase he made the mouse change his mind. the whole group of horses, maxx aside, had a crush on the little mouse, and going out to party with him could be fun.
Party to a Yiff!
#4 of in the park party to a yiff party to a yiff the young stallion knocked loudly, and called politely through the screen door. "can i come in." the big red bear, never looked up from what he was doing.
Life of the Party
Life of the party it was the middle of the night and the off-campus housing area was bustling with activity.
A Different Party
The party hadn't been too interesting to the red and white, harnessed malamute, he only went because his friends begged him to and because he'd never been to an outdoors farm party before and since he loved the countryside smells (mostly horses), he figured