A Strange Proposition

Disclaimer - This is a work of bizarre erotic fiction that contains strong philosophical opinions that don't really lead to any discernible truth. If that doesn't put you off, the musky transformation of a sexual nature might. Anyways, please do not...

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Practical Sex Education

Practical Sex Education For Bloodgod245 By Draconicon Robbie Sinclair wasn't sure what today's class was going to cover, but from all the whispering going on from the older students who'd been around for a few years, he knew...

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TFA!-The Second Round: Slippery Tendencies

**We now return to your falsely accused defendent.** * * * A Goodra. The first thing that comes to mind is that gentle face they're common for having fresh after evolving from a little Sliggoo. Or maybe it's that slime that they constantly produce...

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Falling Out and Falling In 3

Tags: off-screen sex, no visible sex, m/h, size difference, radiation, griffon, pigeon, capybara, deathclaw, pheromones, semi-mind control, series, fallout, threats, bargaining,

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The Pleasures of Space

Tags: m/h, dragon with both sexes, sci-fi, vaginal, double dicks, size difference, shower sex, masturbation, voyeurism, knot, fingering, orgasm, cum, creampie, horny,

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A dragon's new world

A dragon's new world "Over here. The source of that light is right here." a dolphin says standing over a dragon-taur laying in a Matted circle of grass. The dragon's black and blue body radiates a faint light as the dolphin looks down at it. "Are...

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Last Friday

There's a lot of ways you can spend a Friday night. Getting laid comes to mind, or maybe a pint with some buddies. Hell, maybe a pint with your buddies before getting laid; the number of people to sleep with, and the number of pints to drink defy...

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Commission: MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 1

**MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 1** Blue hair flipped and waved behind her purple body as her hooves clopped against the cobble street. The fast race forward sending the pink streak in her hair dancing while the panicked look on her face showed...

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Meet Me in the Hideout (Patreon)

Nothing made Dustin more pissy than being pulled away from a party on a Saturday night, worse yet was that he was mere inches from getting laid by a cute tigress that he had been working on charming for the past three hours. All he knew was that this...

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My bone

"but its not fair!!!" Lucasion protested. "He doesn't even love you like I do!... probably" he huffed as his tail waved in anger "and also he doesn't know about your... your ladyness, yes!!" he argued. He was sooo upset that he even let out a small...

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Fur and Fag: Big Brother

Fur and Fag | [http://www.weasyl.com/~iscin](http://www.weasyl.com/~iscin) | FUR AND FAG by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. Solarian and Luna © Solarian. All rights...

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Stopping Power

As Blaise approached his apartment door, he shifted all the shopping bags to his left hand. The weight was nothing to the large black dragon but even his big hands had a limit to what they could comfortably juggle. He quickly fished around for his keys...

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