Teen Love
Behind him, the german shepherd could hear his parents bustling about and getting ready to leave for the night, having been invited to a fancy party across town and were leaving him home alone.
Flying High, Riding Hard
The german shepherd noticed the fennec moving about and followed him with his eyes.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
_"get your ass down here german boy!"_ _ _ "okay, okay, i just grab my stuff, yes?" _"okay. you've got a minute."_ _ _ "see you soon then." _"don't get girly with me, german boy!"
The Good Samaritan
He was primarily tan and black with some patches of white fur, just like most german shepherds. but this german shepherd did have a pretty nice package. brian's somewhat erected cock was a nice seven and a half inches of red dog meat.
Two families and the big orgy
Tripod with calm and swallowing hard he positions himself on the german shepherd female dog.
Halcyon Part 6-Chapter Five
Calig shrugged again, and said, "i'm a fan of the germans. their tanks, and their tactics... i don't like hitler or the holocaust, but other than that, the germans were pretty amazing.
Halcyon Part 1-Prologue
Torque's father, torin, a german shepherd like his son, looked up as well, a tense expression appearing on his face. the tall german shepherd stood, and sora held up her hand. "i'll see." she said calmly. torin nodded and sat again.
Massive Energy
The german shepard was simply seated on a park bench, watching several of the other furs go about their day.
The german shepherd begins to move his leg back and forth rapidly feeling pongo's hard meat.
My Neighbor is an Incubus chapter 2: Interview
A male german shepher poked his head into the room, "ummmmmm darnla do you have a minute," the german shepherd asked.
The Heart Necklace
The german shepherd muttered, "what?" the hyena said whilst tilting her head to the head slightly which provoked the other canine to grin "nothing."
The rest however simply turned, wide eyed and frowning, towards the german shepherd's partner. towards killian.