Unexpected mates part three
That day the other pokémon at the park were attracting mates and noticed gordon grooming jenny in sanative areas. they figured they had mated already.
Fates of the Unicorns 5 - Clean
Someone will need to keep you all properly groomed and looking good." "oh, i'll groom them real good" said a male fox washing himself in the pool, laughing and leering. "shut it!" said the cat.
Love's Shadow Part 7
Then, surprising patrick, the skunk lovingly groomed the large scar on his chest and neck.
Taming the Werewolf - 15
In their brief exchange with the bride and groom as the cameraman switched out memory cards, amanda couched her complaint that she was dragged to the wedding in delightful sounding sarcasm. lina and the groom took it as a joke, but jacob knew better.
Bonnie & the Clyde
Bonnie grooms a feral stallion and gets all up close and personal with the sexy draft stud... --- needed a refresher and worked up a little trade with bugbytes! lovely characters!
A First for a Fledgling
It was a grooming habit--caden liked to keep her own claws and scales in perfect condition, and she liked even more to help her friends with theirs. "thanks..."
Hatchling's Delight: Wet and Sticky
She was too busy grooming her favorite son. "no," kira flipped a fore paw and started to lick her dusty pads. her own tongue felt rather good. she forgot how nice it was to groom herself when her family did it for her.
Potion #5- Horse Breaking
He drawled out softly, the two strange grooms already coming to unhook her from the stocks.
For Honor
The promise that his groom was near by. his exhaustion so complete he couldn't even focus on why he should be outraged. he had his groom, he had a full belly and had plowed the field by himself.
Fertile Soil - Chapter 6
She seemed very pleased with herself, leaning down enough to start grooming the boy again. now she was grooming his legs and butt with that big tongue of hers.
Pride: Facing the Dawn
Once she had been courted by men of wealth, now she felt gratitude to her groom for cleaning her scales and bringing her food.
Inside a Starry Cave
He was still in the cave, grooming the hard, fleshy draconic rod with precise licks of his tongue.... grooming what?! the cheetah yelped as if bitten. he scrambled on his paws, backing into a feathery curtain.