Rokhain's Plea
The otter blinked and began to explain to the otter woman his story - albeit leaving out the more private details about his deal with the lifegiver.
Can't Escape It
The wolf grinned at the otter with an almost predatory gleam in his eye as he looked the otter over quickly before looking back at the bar. "i errrr, i'm dodge." the otter stammered a bit.
Tanked 3: Rookie Mistake
The otter gulped, "i..." kyle held the otter with a pleasant smile on his cute face, "gill, have you ever had a female before?" the otter frowned, "a few...
The Vore House of Klyneth - Devious Carnivore Naga
Yetzer's jaw clamped down around otter's thighs, digging lines of teeth down either leg and both sides of the tail and lower rump; it was a lithe otter, slimmer than most, but an otter swims a lot, and even the thinnest of otters had a wide rump.
Some Serious Drunken Fun
For a moment the otter thought that he was going to lean down to gobble up the otter cum shooting out of jon's cock when the moment of orgasm came, but it did not go for that.
"hmmm..." the otter hmmmm'd and rubbed his chin. "let's get this done and over with," i declared, both bored and not too keen on spending too much time with the sneaky otter, "where's the first aid kit?" "aren't you supposed to know?" the otter stated.
Tropical - Chapter One
The otter ignored the other students and maneuvered around them to go up to the wolf. "hey nate," rye greeted the wolf. "hi otter," nate returned the greeting, turning to rye.
Ocean Depths part 19
Lucas looked at the otter. "if something happens..." "then i'll pay for the first and last month rent for your new place." the otter wrapped his paws around him, bumping noses. "carl," lucas said before the otter silenced him with a kiss.
An Unexpected Visitor
The otters' shaft tasting of his paws mixed with the otters' seed. the otter murs out closing his eyes as he lets the fox work over his throbbing erection.
Confessions Of Confused Teens: Chapter 1.1 Just Feeling Right
Since 7th grade the otter dealt with hateful actions from his tormentors. a whistling sound and the otter ducked, dodging a empty bottle from hitting his head.
Otter's Embrace
Another pause was shared between the two, followed by another gentle nod, and the otter thrust forth. sefra's eyes rolled back, his muzzle opened in soft moans as the lutrine worked him slowly.
Clyde & Ollie: "In A Van Down By The River" Part 1
The otter leaning in now and then to nuzzle at the big equine's muscles gut from the side.