Part 2) Discovery
National pokedex number: 282 info: this pokemon is known to live mainly in groups of itself, kirlia (national pokedex number 281), and ralts (national pokedex number 280), usually in forests.
Chapter 6: Cerulea Gym Battle, Another Attack From Team Rocket, We Travel to Vermilion City, and The Search For Moltres Begins
The others watched then said "why is your pokedex glowing?" i glanced down and pulled it out then my pokedex said "unidentified user . this system is shutting down. when original user returns, this system will reboot."
A Rare Sight-Introduction
So for the rest of my time i just sat in the cafeteria skimming through my pokedex, looking at all the different pokemon that i would like to catch.
Rebirth ch3
When the pokedex had told me that i should have evolved into a kirlia, i got curios and started looking up what else would happen to me as i evolved.
Mirages & Bitmaps 03: Getting To Know You
**"pokedex required for identification,"** it.. no, she spoke once more, cici already starting to think of porygon as a female by this point. "oh, well.. um... lemme see.."
Wanderlust's Consequence Part 3
An ill tiding combined with the inteleon's pokedex in front of the leafeon. "so, are you going confess yet?" rowan asks with a strange look in his eyes. "james went through your history, your messages. just come out with it already."
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 6
He said and opened his pokedex. it seems a pokedex has the function to show what attacks the pokemon knows when it is captured. i seem to know the attacks: pound, quick attack, absorb and agility.
Prim and Proper, Tim and Harper 2
Nina started recalling all of her pokemon as she talked on the pokedex, and she started putting clothes in her bag as she got prepared to leave. "okay let me get my things and i'll head over there as soon as possible.
Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 8, Norva 4
The man stated, taking the pokedex and linking it to the system, before setting things up quickly. "and there we go, all done on my end." the man smiled handing back malcolm's pokedex. "just a few more things to fill out here... and done myself."
Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 10, Norva 6
She was using malcolm's eyes again as he pulled out his pokedex hearing the direct trainer to trainer battle request, and before malcolm could deny it, norva's hand shot up tilting his pokedex a bit, and accepted. [bring it!]
Uncatchable: Mewtwo
Pulling out your pokedex since you had time for the moment with it not seeing you just yet. the screen then flashed unknown pokemon on it's results and started collecting data.
Pokevore: Seviper's Eternity
I don't even think the pokedex knows what this is!" harry looked down at it. "it's damn cute." the blue snake licked its lips, and then burped, lying down contentedly. bill said, "this is the pre-evolution form of seviper!