CBC - The Parvus Lab Incident
He opened his mouth as much as he could, letting her practically sit on his bottom jaw. when he felt she was distracted enough, he suddenly bit down, sinking his teeth into her flesh... or tried to. they sank in, but only so much.
Whatever Happened to Max Foster?
He sighed and turned around, sitting down on the bumper, looking out into the night. the houses in the neighborhood were all quiet, though they had been decorated for halloween.
The Good Life
Disclaimer - This is not the kind of story to read in polite society . . . unless of course you want to make a complete ass of yourself. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.) The Good...
Just Business
Just Business By: Lapsa Kate clenched her teeth as she stepped out of her drop-pod, the chill of the planet's cold climate hitting her right away - followed by the sight of nude Orassans - the felines mostly preferring their bare fluffy coats...
Animal Crossing: A Flightless Break
Orville helped her sit on his lap, her arms around his shoulders, her chest falling and rising against his.
The Warehouse's Haunts 4
It didn't take long before jennie was stiffening over her, finally sitting down firmly on her face.
Protein Junkies
Today you're gonna do sit ups." they guided him onto the slightly gritty old foam as he laid down on his back. sit ups weren't bad . . . "yeah, 200 of em!" thrash chimed in. "gonna get real bro!"
Breaking the Brat 4
# he bathed with the master, called to sit with him in the hot water.
Private Showing (Transformation Story)
And it wasn't, like, just atti sitting down on him hard. no, he couldn't even move at all, not even an inch...and it was at this point that he realized that he couldn't feel his face at all!
Bug vs Bug (Macro Story)
And that was where abbott would stay for the next...however long the scolipede wanted to sit here.
Stolen Seat (Vore Story)
It was obvious that the cat didn't want any further discussion...but he was sitting in \*his\* spot, \*his\* favorite spot, the one he took every day after a long, tiring day out in the sun!
Unexpected Exploits 6: Bonding in the Ruins and Adventures in Dog Sitting
**unexpected exploits 6:** **bonding in the ruins and adventures in dog sitting** it's been about six years since yarxul had taken in the starving artist, and not a single day had he regretted it.