Not Easily Broken
Our dalmatian friend is named milo. just like all dalmatians, he's a tiny guy standing at five (5) foot two (2) with sky blue eyes. he was just an average dalmatian: his fur white with black spots.
The Back Room at Club de Sade
The dalmatian under lone was content to lay back and let his compatriot provide the motion.
Proxy Wars: Asia (part 1)
Percy took a long look at the dalmatian that was bound before him. the dalmatian was obviously afraid, and for good reason.
Ander's Zombies Ch 4
She barks, shaking the dalmatian. "and i want her back!"
Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: It All Comes Crashing Down
"urm, no," chris looked up at the dalmatian, "i didn't know that."
Dalupine Day 2: Bonding with a Pup
Without a word, the lupine pulled the dalmatian into a warm loving kiss.
Blaze repeats the motion and begins to cover the dalmatian pup's posterior hole with saliva.
Sunday School (The Guardian Pt. 2)
Chen heard the dalmatian gasp. "wha...?" the dalmatian directed chen's paw to the top of his head. chen grabbed onto the dalmatian's ears and held tight. alex gave a grunt of approval and continued with his rhythm.
Basic Training (1k words)
The dalmatian yelled, "you sick --!" but his statement was cut off by a pair of hands around his neck. "just watch," growled the rotweiler from behind, as his hands barely let him wheeze to breathe.
Vor-tual Reality
The dalmatian looked down and saw he was now holding a sword and shield, and was also geared in a basic leather tunic.
The dalmatian nearby gulped as she walked her friend vomit, her pussy lips getting wet at the sight of her retching.
The dalmatian said to the other two.