
They evolved from primitive primates that once inhabited their planet known as earth. they are evolved to many different forms to suit the many environments on earth.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 15: War on the horizon

You are aware that a war brews between your nation and that of the primate and filth, are you not?" when neither princess denied it, the spirit carried on smugly.

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Planting Fresh Seeds In The Barn

When he caught sight of those two primates going at it on the hay bales, however... "d-damn...why couldn't they have just gone into t-the woods?"

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The Daisy Chronicles 4: Plans

They let loose a virus, which had a 100% lethality for primates. all monkeys, apes, and homo sapiens were affected. the virus also had a 4-6 year incubation period.

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Chapter 18 - End of the line! The Duel between Men! (Part 5)

Though he kept in mind that the dragoon was still alive, next time not planning on going easy on him just because he's a fur less primate.

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My Gym Partner's Bro Tends The Privates (Part 3)

As that primate's lips let go, the bison twitched, with his sack wide-swung in lengthy weight. jerr's maw would be right back to it no later than it took to cast his dual tops the eye.

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Monkey Future Prologue : Downfall of Mankind

[PLEASE NOTE: This, being my first entry on a site such as this fine establishment, was a story originally written for a comedic podcast called "Distorted View Daily". As such, its less-than-realistic notions may detract (or distract) from the story's...

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The Carnival

"The Carnival" The night started as most nights at the carnival often do: Sick. I couldn't remember why I was there or if I was even there with someone. All I knew is that I was sick, and I needed something to settle my stomach. Much to my own dismay,...

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Demon Hunters, Chapter 3 – The Demon of the Gates is Summoned

The muscled primate kneeled between his spread legs, placing his leathery pawns over the scales of alexei's belly. the dinosaur closed his eyes, trying not being hard to the gorilla as he licked his balls and slit.

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The Island of Doctor Mortimer 1, 2, and 3

Finally, he let loose a primate roar and shot a monster wad that drenched us, the lab, and all of the equipment. while he was busy lapping it all up, ulysses and i set up a series of tests. first we tested his strength.

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Interstellar Dissonance: “Elements”

Conflicted species while the maelstrom was being built, fenrir, skoll and hati had been dispatched to their latest target: a system containing a yellow dwarf star called sol, and 8 planets, the third of which was inhabited with an intelligent but primitive primate

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