TMF-Ep37-The 6th Ordeal-

He is a hard working, optimistic honest and trustworthy person but is not very smart in the academics department, and can act like a loner, lastly he is 16 years old but is a senior in high school and one out of two other seniors within the group.

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The Worst Kind of Call

The senior tcr who took the call, an orange and white striped feline, finally gave the headset back to the guy who'd raised his hand.

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Zodiac - Leo

The senior officer laughed. "you need more experience. you have to understand how this guy thinks. see, we just placed a bit of bait in front of him.

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Faith ~ Prologue

A senior student, but a student nonetheless, and without a missive from the primary, she would remain one.

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The Book of Warlock 2. Desertion before dawn.

Only a handful of nisgarant's most trusted officers knew where they were headed to next, and the most senior of those was dead now. general warlock had been well liked, on the whole.

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Summer Vacation

"you are a senior, aren't you?" he looked like a senior, jamie thought as he looked the wolf over. to his suprize the wolf was amazingly cute. he had cool grey fur, with white neck fur, which jamie guessed taveled down to his crotch.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 34

As i finished speaking, the senior-most probe 'nodded' and then queried me softly in binaric. "what are you looking for?" i asked, taking a guess at its question.

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An Unhealthy Relationship

Now that the zoroark was a senior, his shaft had grown yet another inch, reaching nine inches in total, and thickening up to match.

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Crushing The Competition #02: Peer Review

It was almost certain that the rabbit had gained his size as a plaything for some horny senior employee.

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Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (3/3)

"we still have the footage that we recorded," the senior agent replied.

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Go Down Fighting

Inferior to us experienced seniors." decro held his glare at the panther, trying his best not to snort at his laughable explanation.

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