The Missing Son, Chapter 02
The is a first draft of what is the first orr family chronicles novel on the schedule for publication (no dates yet, probably a few years away) it is the first book planned in a trilogy.
Nice and Slow
The first draft came together during a hurried writing session shoved in between a full day of running errands and a very late night spent researching job opportunities in preparation for an upcoming move.
mliatbhrpg ch45-48
I think i have about another week or two to work on this story before i finish the first draft of it. also i would love to hear opinions on my next two works.
A Hiking Mishap
If you follow my patreon, you will have seen this one pop up in idea form and then first draft form. everything gets posted up there first and it's only $3 for early viewing to all these publicly posted stories.
Wings of the Warrior: 8
#8 of wings of the warrior things are beginning to change and its no longer sam also, this is a novel, for anyone interested. the first draft so not a high quality edit. it will be very long! flying was freeing.
Finding Jack
A gay highschool boy finding his way in life and love _**this is a first draft.
Dragons Lair pt 16
Your hatchling, myra vylkair myra smiled and was happy with her first draft. michael walked back in with several books in his hands. he started on the first book and laughed. "what is so funny michael?"
Sleightly out of Hand - A Whore's diary 1
Hope you enjoy it, despite the fact that it is a first draft and there are spelling and grammatical errors. sorry for that. will be gone in the 2nd draft which will be available later.
2626 CH 13 (An Orr World Story)
For only 1$ a month, you get an exclusive story exploring the human and furry world of tiranis, and access to the first draft of all my stories, including this one. using postybirb chapter-13 casanova took in the
Detention (kuniwolfox request)
This is the first draft with some editing, i may come back to this later and try and clean it up even more, but for now it is what it is! an audible gulp sounded from samantha's throat as she stared at the sheet of paper before her.
The Missing Son, Chapter 18
Patrick tries to talk with his mother, as well as deal with his budding sexuality, neither go very well the is a first draft of what is the first orr family chronicles novel on the schedule for publication (no dates yet, probably a few years away) it is the
The Missing Son, Chapter 24
The is a first draft of what is the first orr family chronicles novel on the schedule for publication (no dates yet, probably a few years away) it is the first book planned in a trilogy.