Predilection: * : A simple Discordance

Celestia gasped, gently clamping down on his shoulder while retracting her fangs to avoid dosing him with paralytic venom.

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Choices of the Half-Elven: Part 2

I had learned quickly to move twice as fast to avoid being late. i picked up my books three times by the time i arrived in class, having only thirty seconds to spare. this was my english class. the teacher, mr.

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Kinky Character Story #33: The Demon Balls

The shortest route had at least four more chambers to get through, and if he was quick enough, he might be able to avoid getting caught by any of the more dangerous demons.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 20: The Wolf of Kelial

He loosed a second fireball and heard the twang of a crossbow, then spun on his heels on reflex, narrowly avoiding being shot in the chest.

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Chapter 15

Using the element of speed to augment his body, he was able to dodge ren's lightning-fast attack but was forced to spin around and avoid another almost instantly.

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Pitch Episode 15: Back Together

"and you're not avoiding me?" "why would i avoid my favorite pantsless gym partner?" "i don't know, you haven't said much since we got back from str, i haven't seen you in two days..." i had to look away.

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The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 29: Darkest Before Dawn

Cynder banked left, avoiding an ice blast and let a jet of fire out which allison narrowly avoided. allison ran as fast as she could and rolled to avoid another wall of fire. she shot ice shards which hit cynder.

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Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 11

But she easily sidestepped away from the swing and avoided the attack. kyo kept on the offensive and threw another punch her way, but she avoided the attack as well by leaning away.

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Zootopia: Brave New World - New Jobs

I just ask you to avoid using your powers in here to avoid calling attention, and keeping affections out of the work place. can you guys do that?" both animals took a moment, and they nodded. "great!"

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That Day, Part 11 - That Moment (W.I.P)

And when he mentioned how we were not going to avoid places because of who might be there, it reminded me of the theatre and richard and the plays i was going to have to make sure we avoided.

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Part 11: A Reason to Fight

Deftly amanda avoided the attack. only to be met with a sharp point of pain as the fox's large-caliber rounds tore through her. "hngh." the indagator painfully grunted as she grasped the bullet wounds.

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