Knight Class - Part 4
Trapped, immobilized, engulfed in a fire which didn't burn yet was obnoxiously hot. i couldn't bear with the situation. i felt the urge to struggle wildly, to scream, and i felt a tingle starting to crawl through my body.
I Want You to Kidnap Me - Chapter 2
The spotted hyena was browsing his phone to kill time, having already turned on the speaker and set it up to some extremely obnoxious electronic music. when he hit play, the sound would be deafening.
Kool Kat Chronicles, chapter three (part one): School Days...
He had no use for common names, no, james was "mutt fucker" and christie was "the mother killer" he was rude, obnoxious, and always on edge.
lost in solitude
It wasn't even that shocking, just a bit distracting, since he still regarded the woman as human and therefore as someone obnoxious. "you, too", there was rejection in his voice, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
Finnick's Favourite Customers
He had heard them be loud and obnoxious in the way they adored to be together before, utterly without restraint in letting loose the very core of their being for one another and all around them to hear. but, never this loud.
Sages, Chapter 11: Puppets of the Higher Power
Civilization: a place filled to the brim with people that i didn't know and didn't care to know either; and yet, after being trapped in the woods of enemy territory for a week with nobody but an obnoxious little mage to keep me company, i felt quite animated
Making the Most of a Man
Still, for as obnoxious as it was to listen to them squawking and shrieking with laughter for hours on end, as frustrating as it was to hear their fingers snapping as they summoned staff members over to clear away their empty cups and asking for new drinks
Mama Got Back
I know you had something to do with this and them obnoxious teenagers." came the farmers voice.
Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 4
What the heck caused that obnoxious sound?! daring to look from where the tonal attacker assaulted her, she spotted a really frilly looking girl running up to her with a pink purse wrapped around her shoulder.
Her singsong voice ground on his last nerve and he gnashed his jaws together as they entered the mall, a flashy building with the exterior nearly entirely constructed of glass so that everything reflected obnoxiously off it.
Prologue: To Spite the Chaste
In a reprieve from pans obnoxious demeanor, he said, "na' hold on here. lets try diggin' up some happiness for a few folks before we go fixin' the universe. besides, doing so will be the first step to handlin' all that."
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Twenty Eight
A motley collection of dirty peasants, beggars, fishermen, assorted old ladies, and other obnoxious tropes were gathered in the court. a few more va'chaak roamed the edges of the crowd, keep watching.