Into the Wild

And i'll need your help if we come across any intelligent life forms speaking other languages." she looked over at the floating ai sphere beside her. she was curious what dialect z was actually speaking. "translate." z huffed and stood up.

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Getaway: Part 3

It showed all eight of the carriages as having 'plenty of seats' in polcian, and few other languages i couldn't read. lucky with how much noise we were making. the few passengers around us had thrown a few glares our way.

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Full Moon Series: Lunar Soul - Chapter Eleven

Balthazar gave a growling snarl as he held his chest, a bleeding gash across it as he cursed again in that other language before saying, "blast it! how did you know i was here?!" "you can't hide from the eyes of the moon forever demon!"

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A soft place in the Heartwood

It was obvious neither human nor pokémon could speak the other's language, but between gesticulation and body-language it looked like they could understand each other; because lopunny pulled her offer back the moment rakki started shaking his head.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 9

"_we have just learned the very first term in each other's language for the same thing_," chi'an thought happily to herself. \* \* \* \* \* they reached the end of a passageway that had a heavy, metal door blocking their way.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 15

One of the lead staffers came in, and a few others shouted the same thing in other languages as the qualifying started. jarome found himself strapping in, he was pretty tired even if he was on cloud nine right now.

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Gryphon Valley - Act 2

"youngest, did your mother teach you any other languages? any other ways to say things?" the little hatchling blinked and licked his snout. "a little bit."

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 28

"why, the little dog has even started learning other languages so she can speak to those outside of our region." "that is commendable but seems fruitless, our kind simply can't coexist."

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Truth or Dare Chapter 15: Dark Thoughts Embraced

I know there are other languages and i know you know more than three of them, i received a complete dossier on your ass, so don't try to play stupid again." "why haven't you done so yet?"

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Angela Thomas 1

I don't know any other language but english. before you fucking ask, i am not born with a preset language. just like you are not. with everything you all say about my kind, i probably would do the same and run away screaming.

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Threads of Fate, Chapter One.10

A few were active and had things written upon them in the other language he'd seen earlier in his travels. other screens had dim holographic displays floating just over them, showing off what was likely to be details of the experiment being preformed.

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Space Junk

Once again, thank you for flying ladex transport." a pre-recorded voice announced before repeating the message in a half dozen other languages.

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