Sometimes You Gotta Run Away

Leaning over him, her breasts warm against his back, she could reach his drafter-sized cock, just barely able to get her fingers around the quiveringly-erect black shaft.

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My Daddy's Foal-Ed

But i'd buffed up to a 300 pound drafter looking more like my brothers. how horny my dad is, was well known to all in our family, as we frequently heard our parents loudly fucking sometimes with al as well.

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20 Years Later

drafter for that firm downtown. westley owns it. i'll be making money soon." "but not soon enough." lamar said while fiddling with an unlit cigar. "i bet you rented a suit for the interview." i felt a little ashamed.

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Work Horses

2500 words, short, sweet, to-the-point, feral (so not a lot of dialogue or motivation in there) work horses the morning was hot and muggy, yet the two drafters dakota brave and maverick hunter were still expected to work, clearing the patch of woods of the

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The best laid plans

She jerked and tried to pull away, the medial ring on the heavy bodied drafter pulling and tugging against her g-spot the moment her hips pushed up and her eyes snapped open wish shock.

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Fertile Soil - Chapter 4

The boy's heavy drafter dick was approaching three feet, but that didn't seem to matter all that much since blake's whole body seemed to have shifted and grown so much larger to keep up with it.

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The Afflicted - Part 1

"please," the drafter started to beg, before the crackle of electricity at his side convinced him otherwise.

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[QC-41] Deep Tissue Massage

The massive, nearly-nine-foot tall hippogryph with the body of a drafter stallion squealed like a hatchling. it was cute, but also a little off-putting, though not enough so that darryl was dissuaded from looking ceylon in the eye.

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Feathers: Weekday Relief

"should be ready for the drafters to review again." "wonderful, let me run it over to them now, i want to impress on them that they can do better." he said as he rose to all fours and she took off the documents and handed them to him.

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Nightfall - 1. Near Death Experience

I'm tall and slim enough to be a model - which i am - and athletic enough to be any drafter's top pick - which i'd never waste my time with. the best part, of course, being that i'll never lose these things.

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The one was in his thirties, and a drafter with black feathering on chestnut, huge bulging muscles everywhere, especially the one between his legs based on the colossal bulge in his shorts, and a set of tribal brands right down his left arm.

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And i'm assuming, like all of my other drafters of late, you did them without aid of a computer, meaning there're no back-up copies. during my divorce proceedings last night, my attaché case was stolen from under my seat.

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