The Beginning: Part 5
"Colonel Ehnds, what's the status on Echo Team?" The General's voice was commanding and fierce, even for a tiger. "Sir, Echo Team hasn't reported since last night and their comms have been offline since they entered that forest." Colonel Ehnds was a...
Order of the Black Foot: Chapter 6: The Blademaster
There was no denying who the other dragon was; draconicon was known all across the theocracy as the head of an order of 'terrorists' and rebels against the church.
Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 5: A New Offensive
#9 of order of the black foot how do i keep missing these things to upload here?
Albion chapter 5
There was also a feeling of . . . order. yes, that was it. this chapterhouse, riley discovered, felt the same way as those chapels - there was a sense of order.
Doctor's Orders
Marcus entered the room with a gentle smile plastered on his face as his head ached from the second sleepless night in a row. "Good day, Frank." he said as he looked at the young coyote in the bed. Beside him stood a petite golden furred mouse,her...
Ordered Chaos
It was the echoing of the dripping sound that grabbed her from sleep and yanked her into the waking world. The young woman startled awake, and glanced around trying to see through the darkness of her cell into the far corners of the room. She couldn't...
The Natural Order
. <3 **the natural order** there was a time when saria's family were not close at all. a time when they barely spoke to one another, and when they did it was via text or skype.
Prince's orders
The jaguar was very relieved; everything was going to be just as ordered by the prince. ... the prince went in through the west entrance to the main hall, rushing down the hallway to find his ordered items outside one of his mating rooms.
Captains Orders
Gene just watched on blushing furiously, still licking at the shaft, though more to clean up the mess that remained at this point, he didn't want to upset the big dragon as well, and wouldn't stop his licking until ordered to.
Captain's orders
**THE MAIN EVENT** It is a beautiful days for, Pongo walks avoiding the internal limits of the farm. This is something that makes daily to keep watch over his pups, he knew that they are some unruly pup that could get wounded without difficulty, in...
Ordering the Atlas
He read silently to himself, "thank you for ordering the atlas. you should have already received the delivery. please be advised that all orders are final.
Made to Order
Made to order a battered blue ship floated slowly through the debris field known as the sprawl.