Explosions and Promotions
Paradigm © toninjinka vega © me \_\_\_explosions and promotions\_\_\_ chua: little rodents of the universe.
Arcadia: Promoted
If a man shows the qualities required to be promoted, then i will promote them. knowing that their ambitions will grow is beside the point. ambition is good. it fuels their growth and they will become better for it."
Nick's Promotion
I hope you're ready for a nice promotion." a naked judy hopps spoke with a grin on her face, exposing her bare furry cunt for an eager nick, who was just as nude as her.
Working for a promotion
Jacob literally puts his ass on the line for a promotion jacob pulled into his reserved parking spot in his companies parking garage with a wide smile on his face.
The Omega promoted
#1 of the omega promoted the omega promoted ch.1 by rego if you don't like good sex, a story line, revenge, male on male, and slavery, your either nuts or this story is not for you. !8 and up only please.
Rubicundus' Promotion
Now, however, it is time for him to reach beyond that - to seek promotion to the rank of concubine! assuming he can pass the final examination that his beloved mistress has put together for him, that is.
Promoted or Demoted
Lazmer felt himself floating, it was cold all around him. There was quiet, it put him at ease. He didn't feel any forces pushing on him, just floating in coldness. He could only guess he was in cold water, he didn't know why or how but it never felt so...
A Conditional Promotion
promoting her was the best decision he'd ever made.
Anything for a Promotion
I've wanted to be promoted to assistant manager for years. i've seen people be promoted who haven't done a fraction of the work i've done. i... i want a promotion." wilder gave a nod of acknowledgement and sat back in his chair.
Lateral Promotion
The air in the office was cool, an oasis in the middle of the busy factory floor. Machines thrummed below and around, shaking the foundations in irregular quakes which Elizabeth Cox seemed used to, but with each, Desmond Lankett looked around nervously...
Anything For A Promotion
"remember when you and i talked about that promotion? well... all of our dancers, are prostitutes." "are you fucking kidding me?" riley snarled, throwing his arms up in protest. "i am not selling my ass to every horny guy in this place!"
An Enticing Promotion
With his resolve renewed, he pressed on deeper into the mall, intent to participate in the mod's bod promotion.