Slave Camp - Getting Sleepy
Everything he'd always liked to do still seemed fun, even if he was kinda tired... he became aware of someone fidgeting next to him. the tod turned his head, finding elle, the lizard-girl, laid out next to him.
Sleepy Mornings With a Hyperactive Dragon
It's morning at the raccoons' house. The sun shines through the white-curtained window of the master bedroom, creating a dim yellow light that illuminates the entire room. Lewis, the fox, turns in the bed, causing it to emit subtle squeaks. It annoys...
Sleepy Nights, Gray Mornings
His tired mind barely thought once about it before he was already leaning into the larger pokemon, and smiled tiredly at him when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders, keeping him gently supported against his side.
When Darkness Finds the Light (Chapter 1)
When Darkness Finds the Light Chapter one It was a lovely morning on a quiet, humble farm in the middle of a warm, temperate countryside. Birds could be heard singing their love songs in the hope of finding mates,...
Reading the Roommates: 01 "Sleepy Peets"
He did not care for the parts where his scars were, but elsewhere, the feeling of paws on his tired back was paradise.
Left to His Own Devices, Ch. 2
His eyes were still sleepy and half-closed, and the paw that wasn't resting on percy's shoulder was wiping at his face, trying to get rid of the exhaustion that filled him.
But Why Choose Him?
His lips settled against the star drawn into the top of her chest, pressing a series of tired, easy kisses into her fur and leaving her to giggle at his adorable antics.
Going Under, Chapter 1 - Sleepy Bear
"no problem, sleepy bear." i said, hoping this would work. harry frowned, his eyes blinking as if the eyelids were suddenly feeling heavy. "just relax, sleepy bear." i added. "sleepy bear, relax." my repetition of the trigger did the trick.
Do You Love Me 14 - Final Chapter
Judy sat alongside Gideon in the pews. She still couldn't believe they were getting married. Everyone from the ZPD attended, instead of standing tall in uniforms they were sitting side by side in formal suits and elegant dresses. Everyone looked so...
James' Birthday (Ch. 2)
#2 of james' birthday percy's eyes flicked open, his arms and back pulling into a sleepy stretch.
Kathryn - Morning Delight
Why would she get up when she could just sit here and huddle next to the tired vixen? "no hurry, sage. no hurry."
More Than Friends
He saw the light stream in and there was tyre entering his study. "hello tyre. i take it today is the hunt. are you ready for another successful trip?" tyre smiled and chuckled. he always enjoyed seeing kiel.