Taint'd Love (OLD)
Anakris had no desire for a run of the mill, smelly, previously-abused mortal.
Changing Times: A Vampire's Tale
Many mortals would love to look so young for so long. he was still quite young compared to myself, and strong for a mortal; another reason to be proud of him.
Mistrust (Alisa: 02)
Alisa had lived with mortals as a child. she had been raised by a poor family of the jinto nation. she knew that mortals were plagued by many things. fear and self doubt. the trust of others. faith. mercy.
Carnal Demonology Volume 4
These contracts involve granting one wish of the mortal's choosing, but in exchange, the mortal becomes enslaved to the sex fiend for the rest of eternity.
The Mook Maker, Interlude 11: The Princess
Once the dark one stepped into the mortal realm, it wasn't a matter of the single man, it wasn't just a few women that were beasts he dragged through with him from the spirit realm or another place he had resided in before called upon the mortal world.
Trapped and trained Chapter 9: Family Secrets
He was the dark prince that ran away during the war and became a mortal. galvez however did not realize that this change would be temporary and that he would return to his immortal form once his mortal form died.
NaNoWriMo 1 - The Details are in the Devil
mortals had a nasty habit of being able to predict major world changing events with ridiculous accuracy.
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 7
So ramakox had taken flight with his mortal held tightly in his paws, and pulled against his chest.
Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 2
"pay as in your mortal coins?" lyyreth released the pitchfork, glancing back to his brother once. "we...uh..don't carry those around on us."
The Egg Genesis
If he asked them to bow down to the mortal chickens, it because there was a good reason for it...
Chronicles of Creab ch1
Bunicula never went by that name in mortal society again, but instead went by his mortal name of creab. vlad had passed nearly all his powers unto creab, including the ability to walk in sunlight without being burned to ash.
Blue Moon
"down in the mortal world.