Hell Forged - Chapter 1 ~ by BigHope
Red eyes hovered over his blue ones making an unnatural purple where they overlapped. he still looked like himself otherwise though.
Hell Hound Chapter 5, part 3
The bale hound's eyes were open, all four of them, but they glowed with an unnatural red light when they would usually seem intelligent and aware.
Preserving Those Inhabitants of the Dwindling Ice
There's hope even during a period of uncertainty and dismay we've identified the problem and ways to prevent further progression of what's happening now it's just a matter of figuring out how how to reverse the growth of the terrible seeds of an unnaturally
Kidnapped - Part 2
A day passed, the unnaturally horny balloon masterbating every few hours in response to his body's needs, but nobody came to continue testing.
Snakeskin - Party Time
Rico's skin was unnaturally smooth and had both a slight squish and a rubbery feel to it as well, his chest almost rippled as he felt a hand on his modest 6-inch member.
A Dino's Crisis 4 - Danger Is Its Own Reward
The unnatural metallic shrieking made the pack panic with terror. _"wh-what was that!??" "what's going on!?! what is that sound!?!" "is it the beast!?!" "everyone, remain calm!"
A Dino's Crisis 1 - Break The Raptor
Leaping over the small trees in a marble trough of dirt with unnatural lights between them, he found a human body, already torn but still cold raw meat. _"food!"
00 - Legacy of the White Demon
The building and rooms were well insulated, however, the unnatural cold was still seeping in in a lot of places and was causing buildup of frost on the walls and furniture.
A Skinny Dipping Surprise
His nose inflated just slightly as the plastic covered it, and it shimmered in the glow of the moon with an unnatural brightness.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty One
She could hear the breeze whistling in between the peaks, but other than that there was complete and utter, unnatural silence. "i can't hear it," she admitted. "what does it sound like?" "footsteps, miss adlis."
The Legend of Cleofucktra
Your breath is heavy as you feel the unnatural thirst and need to please her again.
Just a little something
The misshapen thing scuttled toward them with its unnatural, five-legged gait and- xythus stepped ahead of him. he said something. it was a word, but it wasn't a word.