Camping, the begining
The husky called back, just as the sound of the mower died, allowing the slam of the truck door to be clearly heard.
Misery Ch.3 Bullies...
You'll be calling back for me. and when you do. i'll be expecting an apology" with that. damon walked deeper into the forest... disappearing... he was right though. riley would call back for him... he... needed him...
Jack waves goodbye as cody begins his trek home while calling back "hey man i'll call you later" cody walked the sidewalk home slowly, thinking about the music he and jack had just played.
Mastering Both Swords: Chapter 1
He called back. i felt my heart pounding in my chest as i tried to stay ahead of him.
Chapter 1: Remembrance
Whenever you get this, call back alright? it would be great to hear your voice again." _beep...end of new messages._ it was rick, he saw him that day. "what is he talking about? i saw him today at work..."
Bar Jocks: Story Two, Part 1
call back, a-sap!" he yelled into the receiver, and then slammed it down. "he's prob'ly sleepin'," carl said. mike glared in response. === "alright, a-one! a-two!"
The Blind Rabbit (a poem)
An answer called back and rent it low. "open your eyes, you fool." the blind rabbit opened its eyes and beget a world of light. it felt foolish indeed. "a fool such as i perhaps has no need to see."
Tanya In Naughty On The Bed II
Tony called back. a confession? maybe he was the one i thought i saw at my window? tanya thought to herself. "one moment please." tanya called back, and then undid the lock. she opened the door, and then. "welcome tony... come in." she smiled.
"i know," she called back. "it's punishment!" he continued to run after her, getting closer as she neared the deep-end. he panted and snarled. chill from the night air and the water in his clothes sent a shiver down his spine.
Gargoyles: Clan of the South- Part 1
Brooklyn called back to the two new gargoyles. "were here." "woah!" sunny exclaimed excitedly as they came in sight of the largest sky scraper he had ever seen.
Return from Outland, pt 1
Came a call back. "he is man!" "let me land safely, higgins!" thomas said. "very well, you are cleared to land, thomas! i hope you found everything all right in your room in the barracks!" called back higgins.
Lost Little Kitty Chapter 3
She called back to the still prone figure on the bed. "do you have any clients this morning?" "just the one!" cassier called back, "but i have a little time before then, then i plan on meeting up with that movie place.