Chapter 1 a strange meeting
He then went to his closet and grabbed a black t-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and his favorite black hat. he grabbed his keys and his cell of the table and rushed to his car. his car was a blue 2004 chevy impala.
Chrysalis - Prolouge: Butterfly's Lament
And glimmer like a tiny little hellish ruby, through all of this, the boy watched, his empty heart filled with an emotion he never felt before; he wanted to run away, he wanted to break down and beat the ground with his fists...he wanted to tear out the black-hatted
City Tails (Chapter 2)
It quickly grabbed a black hat that was sitting next to the cot and plopped it on its head, obscuring much of its face. the rest of it was covered in a long black frockwhich went down to the floor, with sleeves far too long for its wearer.
Equestrian Wars: Rise of Carthage pt. 2- War on the Horizon. .
He wore a black cap with the carthaginian cross centered at a piece on the front of it. and more famously, he wore his red and black striped sash, the symbol of the sasha party. "my caudillo, that was an excellent speech!"
Cumming Over
Today he was wearing a red and black hat, red and black basketball jersey, baggy blue jeans, sun glasses, and a gold chain. he approached schatzie car as he got out.
Fragrance La Dragoness
Will was enjoying his time at the mall very much, like most people he was looking for something to buy, but not really sure of what, he wore a black collared shirt, with black pants, and a black hat all to match.
Ch 2 Hard Being Gay
Ed put his paw to his forehead, pushing up at the black cap on his head, "damn's like he did that on purpose!" of course it wasn't, ed just imagined it that way.
Chapter 7 - Sergei's Big Day Out
He was middle aged and had black hair covered up by a black hat. he had on a pair of blue jeans, a white undershirt, and a striking orange tech down tech vest. it was obvious the man was on his phone as it was still in his hand. "hey bear?!"
Corncob and Milk
So here he was, waking up at the peak of the sun over the ridge of the rocky hills while leche pulled his black hat over his orange-topped muzzle to block out the sun.
The Wolf in Him in Me 2: Joining The Pack
Thankfully the weather was hot again and he was shirtless, gleaming with sweat as the midday sun caught his back, wearing a pair of baggy cargo shorts and chunky dc trainers and a black cap. "taylor..." i started, trying to look nanchelant.
The office life.
Images flashed before him: his graduation ceremony, with his black cap and gown set, surrounded by friends and family. his interview with the firm, when he nearly begged for the chair he still sat in.
Metal Pony Sex Dimension: Chapter II
With them came the skeleton of a pony dressed in striped breeches and a black hat emblazoned with a skull and crossbones. pinkie narrowed her eyes and stared hard at the skeleton's empty sockets. "s'at you, grandma?"