The Ponies' Sugar

He was intimately aware of the balls drawing up tight before the dappled stallion let go of his neck and let out a short feral squeal of pleasure. apollo could only let out a muffled cry as the first thick wave of pony cum flooded his body.

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The Kelpie's Bargain: Savior

The colt ducked his head and peered back to where the dappled stallion looked over the assembled zebras with a slight smile on his face. "pisces saved me." "if that is true then we are in your debt."

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Life is Kind #1

The grey dapple stallion had earned a degree graphic design and now enjoyed working from home doing freelance jobs for multiple clients. he'd gotten that foot in the door, and it now showed.

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The best laid plans

He answered, carefully keeping the eagerness out of his voice as he turned his gaze towards the squirming dappled mare. vanir barely heard any of that, all she knew was panic. she was female, oh god she couldn't go back to town like this!

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Shared Glory

A dappled mare. she looked like a businesswoman just like herself, jenny thought. except for, well, that she was clearly less professional. a suit jacket and a skirt, both black, leaving only a little contrast between them and her grey fur.

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Goldeneyes Chapter 1

The dj really had the music cranked tonight, and the dappled horse bobbed his head to the beat. as he sipped his soda, the playful stallion cooed at a pair of beautiful sable antelopes.

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Shifted Chapter 3

A shark, ram, brown and white dappled horse, rhino, and human came through the gate. they all wore dark, nondescript clothes, and the boy at the rear had a camera trained squarely on jill.

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Sometimes You Gotta Run Away

Thoroughly satiated, the dappled stallion-girl rested her head against the mare's back, feeling sweat popping out on her silvered coat.

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Torpedo Run - Chapter 1 (Revised) and 2

The dappled horse was still in his work outfit, effectively a heavy-duty jumpsuit covered in stains of lubricant and woven through with armored fabrics, giving him a sense of bulk and weight when he moved.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 31 – Winter of Discontent

The dappled mare was content to stop and enjoy a brief rest. the spymaster upon her back was not. "what is the purpose of this surreptitious meeting, general?" demanded the fox not bothering to disguise his annoyance.

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Keeping Secrets

His wife, samantha, was a gorgeous dappled mare, and brett loved her to bits. he mentioned her all the time, and couldn't keep his hands off her when they were together. no. brett wasn't the gay one.

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Last Minute Preparation

The mottled shade from the fruit trees made her look like a dappled mare or osprey, covered in dark patches that accentuated the places the sun pierced through and reflected off her feathers and mane.

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