Here There Be Dragons

"Here There Be Dragons" Based entirely on the comic written by Euro Salamander and drawn by Karno Zashy and Gustav are © Euro Salamander The sun beat down on a small bare hilltop just outside an equally small village as an angry crowd assembled...

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Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 1

Sheila Tenderhoof Pt. 1 Sheila Tenderhoof sat quietly in the cafeteria at Doall Pharmaceutical rummaging through the leftovers of her meal when she began a little bit of lunch time retrospection to pass the time. Sheila was rather petite for a...

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The I-Mote 2.0

The I-Mote 2.0 Every year Jane rented a cabin up in the mountains for the weekend as a little birthday present to herself. Lately between her job, life, and everything else she was feeling a bit slammed, and the mountains were always such a great...

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The I-Mote

The I-Mote It was a rather lazy Sunday afternoon and Jim found himself strolling though a yard sale with his girlfriend Tammy. Jim, a chocolate colored wolf, was rather uninterested in their surroundings but his girlfriend Tammy loved this kind of...

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The Suit

The Suit It was a late summer afternoon and the heat was oppressive as Katelyn stared out at her yard though her kitchen window. There had been very little rain this year, and because of water rationing it was looking pretty rough. Everything had a...

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Jungle Lovin'

He then quickly pulled out his pen light and its small beam brightened the dim entrance. the entrance hall way continued for about twenty yards before opening up into a huge one room chamber.

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The Adventures of Syth - Sexual Healing

The Adventures of Syth - Sexual Healing In a small valley between three hills sat a quaint cottage with a forest green door. It was a trim and neat structure with two windows that stared on at the yard like eyes shrouded by a dark green ivy that...

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Puppet Master

The Puppet Master The black keep sat high on the hill squatting over the village below. Sunlight seemed to sink into its dull stones and an evil aura seemed to billow forth from it. Travelers whispered as they passed by it on their way through the...

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"Poke-more" Kit swatted at a bit of leafy foliage that barred his way as he at last came to a clearing. He was sweating like a pig after a good four hour walk from the last Pokémon center. He had heard from several other trainers reports of odd...

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A Familiar’s Touch

"A Familiar's Touch" * * * Jenna fought back a sniffle as she padded down the carpet clad hall. No. She would not let her classmates she her cry. She wouldn't give that bitch the satisfaction. She stopped at the heavy wooden door that opened to the...

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How I Became the Bitch of a Gallic God

"How I Became the Bitch of a Gallic God" My name is Dirk Ericson. For most people, heartbreak will leave you at the bottom of a bottle, for me it got me all the way to the Island of Hoy. It's a small island in Orkney, Scotland off the far northern...

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