Horse Training

Horse Training The cool night breeze ruffled through the stark white Calico's fur as she sat sidesaddle on the broom beneath her. It hummed with magic as it zoomed toward home. Her front paw barely had to guide the broom stick which knew the way....

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More that He Bargained For Pt. 3

More Than He Bargained For: Part Three The smell of wood smoke tickled Duncan's nose as he moved up through the haze of sleep. His eyes slowly opened and above him was a low thatched ceiling. Under his back he felt something soft and sinfully...

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More than He Bargained for Pt. 2

More than He Bargained For Pt. 2 A ray of golden sunlight shown down onto Duncan Fiercestride's face just as his eyelids began to open. His head throbbed and the light felt like daggers stabbing into his eyes as he quickly shut them. The big stud...

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More that he Bargained For Pt. 1

More than He Bargained For Pt. 1 Dressed in black leather armor, Duncan's large body was flattened against the ground amongst a small clump of bushes as he stared up at the tall gray keep. The ground was cold and hard as a bitter wind blew out of the...

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More Than He Barganed For Pt. 5

"More Than He Bargained For, Part 5" Duncan woke warm for the first time in weeks hoping he wasn't dreaming. His eyes flicked open as his body shifted slightly feeling the soft furs spread underneath him. One arm stretched above him while the other...

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Rena Virus

Rena-Virus "I'm going out on a patrol," said Renamon as the yellow fox digimon launched herself out of the dorm room window. Brett slowly turned back to his computer screen and kept working on his English paper. When he had first found Renamon and...

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Stud Fee

Stud Fee The name is Ross, and the first question I always get asked is "what do you do?" Those that can tell what I do or already know never ask about it, but those that don't know are forever curious. Most of the time I laugh and play it off. I...

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Broken Toys Part 5

Broken Toys Part 5 "This is outside my usual purview," said Salvatore as he looked up at the decrepit parking garage. The razorback beside him slowly looked up at the building then looked back to the strange stallion. The horse had been a windfall...

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Broken Toys Part 3

"Broken Toys Part 3" Salvatore lay on his belly, with his long black furred body draped over the largest couch in Frost's apartment. His eyes were closed and his head rested on his arms as he let out a low grunt. A second or two later the big horse...

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Broken Toys Part 2

"Broken Toys Part 2" Charles Witherspoon slowly walked up the steps of his house holding a box full of various odds and ins as a hand reached into his pocket for his keys. The grizzled and graying haired human slowly opened his door and stepped into...

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Broken Toys Part 1

"Broken Toys" SalvatoreC. Monti took a slow sip of his coffee before grimacing at the taste and reaching for one of the tiny prepackaged creamers on the table next to him. The brown haired human had to grunt and stretch as he reached over his body...

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