Victernus - Chapter 20
The man was going on about some kind of implant that would allow for telepathy. his approach sounded wrong based on what namara knew. he couldn't help but chuckle. it's been a hundred and sixty years and they're still trying to achieve telepathy?
The Meadow of Dreams ( Mr.Prism )
telepathy. maybe this thing was a telepath and thus never evolved to speak.
Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 4
"most people try to keep me at arm's length when they find out about my telepathy. everyone is so afraid of their secrets being exposed... others see me just as a tool they can use. in one way or another..."
Broken Prophecy (Book7, Chapter5)
I guess he heard me cause of that telepathy business. i wonder what it's like, or how far it reaches. i wonder if that guy is going to call my cell any minute, now, and tell me he can still hear me.
Powers that Bind 1
A week ago, his... telepathy... seemed to take a leap forward...
Ben and Justin: Our Stand Chapter 3
If i can develop, perfect, and master the use of telepathy, i can certainly see past your pathetic attempts. and now, you will die for your impudence!"
Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter One)
She didn't know back then that she could use telepathy as a psychic type, but she knew now how to do it and how useful it was. she could easily catch fish pokemon to eat by talking to them like she was their conscious.
The Rescue
He was now sending warmth at her, and spoke mentally to her using telepathy.
To Wander Infinity ~ Chapter Six: Scorched Earth
Six: Scorched Earth Rialla hated being lost. Once again, her horse shied to one side when the Veporligh's bright violet light shifted through azure to a vivid green, the cliffs rising to either side of the overgrown trail appearing to sprout...
Wolves of Hope: Freedom Trails
I know this seriously sucks, but I wrote it in my senior year and it was my first story. The teacher also wanted it to be very specific on looks so I wasn't very creative when introducing things and all the characters are kind of similar and balnd in...
Tale of the Reader Pt. 5
Here's the next chapter, enjoy. As usual, please comment and correct anything you see wrong. Like I said, I want to get better at this. Beep....Beep....Beep....Beep....Beep... I moaned quietly, squirming a little in the bed....
Song of the Sauia Chapter 4
Judith woke up the next morning feeling much cooler. Looks like the world had finally had enough of this heat. Judith gets up from her bed and goes over to the window. The sun was shinning and those darn faens chirping and a nice breeze blew into her...