It's a mountain bike, and she looks really confident on it. she was wearing a helmet, but she didn't put her hair into a bun or anything, so i was happy. it just sort of floated in the air behind her.
Abuse, Alcohol, Alcoholism, American, Anger, Blond, Cub, Dark, Death, Depression, Drugs, Extreme, Father, Fear, Feline, Hate, Highschool, Japanese, Kids, Love, M/F, Modern, Mother, Pain, Rage, Realistic, Romance, School, Shooting, Snow Leopard, Solitude, Sorrow, Suicide, Teacher, Teen, Teenager, Teenagers, Tiger, Tragedy, Ukraine, Violence, Violent, Young, Young Love, Young Romance, agony, alcoholic, alone, america, black metal, blonde, columbine, cutting, darkness, guilt, loneliness, loss, rob lee, russian, self-mutiliatn, suicidal, ukrainian, virginia tech