My Thoughts on the "Reptilian Agenda"
My thoughts on the so-called "reptilian-humanoid conspiracy" this may come as a bit of a shock to some folks, given my own beliefs concerning reptilians, but i think the "reptilian-humanoid conspiracy," which is most often spread by the likes of david icke
Matt swung the car into his aunt's short driveway. It was wide enough that he didn't have to be too concerned about drifting too far one way or the other, but the 15 year old fox still slowed way down, crawling up the drive at less than a walking...
Warning Do not read if under 18 Etc. Something i did in my spare time .whatever.
I embraced the human and dragged her closer to my chest. I had completed the transformation and i was fullly Dragon now. I was glad. I stripped her silly clothes from her and grasped her by her hips and put down on the ground. I followed and put my...
At dinner with dragons, ACT VI
AT DINNER WITH DRAGONS ACT VI _a gay vore fantasy_ In the company of Ganutash Rael was now fully aware of what would ensue that evening. That's why he could calmly enjoy the ale while the thirty or so loud dragons and dragonesses drank with him. He...
Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf (Story)
"Seth hurry up and come down here." "Alright mom just let me finish putting my shoes on." Hey there I'm Seth. Today I'm visiting my sick uncle who lives inside the forest. "Alright mom, I'm heading out." "Wait Andrew take this with you, I made you and...
The Swords that Bind- Part 8 Pleasing the Host
By this point, samis had returned his attention to the centaur, the larger anthro dragon having wrapped one arm around the centaur's equine body where i had been, and another around the humanoid torso, holding him firmly while subjecting him to a series of
Fray - Panryn's first combat (excerpt)
[...] The half-elf heard the crowd cheer with more vigour than before, signalling the victory of one of the gladiators. He had only seen one enter the arena, but even without knowing who the small lynx would be up against, he wouldn't have bet a lot of...
Arena, Chapter 1
The humanoid on the left pointed its palm at him. he ignored it, reached out to touch grishnag's shoulder, but hesitated. he glared at the humanoid on the right and shouted, "stop it! we'll do whatever you want, just _stop it_!"
Publication I-1117
This general trend leads to them being considered attractive by most similar humanoid species.
Fluffy Seems Different, but She is Still... (Part 1)
Apparently, this was pretty successful, although the humanoid form was duplicated. where is the second humanoid clone...?
The Anthrotransformers - Chapter 2: 'First' Training
But there was ruckus which came from the room and when he saw through the window he saw the two anthros, one in animal form and one in humanoid form, fought each other and the humanoid seemed to give the animal a really hard time.
The Anthrotransformers - Chapter 3: Joyful Day Part 1
After a usual introduction and little small talk about their status kent asked aaron to anthrotransform into humanoid after he revealed that there will be some tests in the time aaron was in humanoid form, after all it was his first time.