Not I: Murderous Mares / Betrayed
Eye witness recounts the princess lying in a pool of blood, a stab wound in her chest. the murder weapon has not yet been found and does not match the stab wound of a unicorn's horn.
Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 21: Geheimnisse werden gelüftet
Der stab leuchtete und aus ihm sprühten schwarze sterne und strahle. dann kam ein helles licht aus dem stab. der panter bekam eine lange, violette hose, die von einem schwarzem band gehalten wurde.
chapter 2-Will fox die?
And then got stabbed by the drago's sword.
He tries to move then yelps out in pain as the nurse walks in "you got stabbed xavier..." the nurse says as she pulls down his blanket only a little bit to show his stab wound. "where did i exactly get stabbed..." xavier says sadly.
Battle - Teaser from Story
I raised my sword, but cleo stabbed first. vollys yelped. i started towards cleo. rhys sent more cloud. vollys flamed at him, trumpeting "all die before me!!" rhys stabbed her in the eye. she flamed again. his cloak caught.
Reconciled - Chapter 9
"sorry, i'll try not to get stabbed." her smile lingered for a moment more, before fading into the solemn realization that she had been stabbed by a person she thought she loved.
New Kid
Again, voice echoed into his ears, " that fag stabbed one of our best players we had.
Keine Frage der Ehre Kapitel 3 Die Nacht in der modrigen Hütte
Moki sagte:" du glaubst mir wohl nicht, dann gib mir mal den silbernen stab.
A Case Best Left Untouched Part 1
_ "ceilia, were all the victims stabbed?" ceilia replied, "yes they were sir. all in the chest but come to think of it they were already dead before the stab wounds were made."
Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 24: Zurück ins Schloss
Er schwebte auf exo zu und zeigte mit seinem stab zu ihm. der kristall auf dem stab leuchtete grell und der körper des bären löste sich auf. zurück blieb eine karte, auf der ein e für explosion stand, dann zerfiel die karte zu staub.
Kurt: the prize
Kurt dodged the stab and kept his sword holstered then she charged with another stab and missed but on the second stab she twirled and did a horizontal slash. at this kurt drew his sword in a down slash to block her sword then the swords collide.