Spit Shine
He combed it using very subtle brushing near the tips, working deeper into the fur with each stroke. with each pass of the comb the fur became less heavy looking and more fluffy.
Star-Crossed Lovers (Part 3)
Rather than press the issue, morgan simply dropped back to the ground and gave him a subtle wink. "i think i can too."
Assisted Negotiations
Her thighs were thick and round, with subtle hints of muscle tone. clearly this mouse worked out in order to keep her shape, something her boss would've never noticed on any other day.
The nightmare before Christmas
The ghostly howl of the cold wind, the subtle creak of wooden walls, she could hear every single noise now, and if anything, it was starting to creep her out.
Royal Cravings
Every subtle motion sent the lingering load in her belly swirling and sloshing, and the flow across her stretched, sensitive inner walls drove her mad.
Cleaning Up
Cassidy affectionately held his cheek with her left hand while softly making out with fenny, subtle waves of pleasure rushing over her. he tilted his head within their session and pressed his chest against hers.
Keeping the Tables Turned
Her sex was greedy, and though it was subtle, he was sure that there was a new shimmer of liquid arousal building on her labia as they were spread apart by his wet, slippery muscle.
Chimerical 119
Jadhi drops subtle hints, first asking how he slept and then if he had any dreams worth mentioning. to her disappointment, jo'dehki deflects every attempt by outright lying and refusing to answer.
Hejira 28.5 [C]
Sarvah follows every subtle hint he gives her; she's wanted this since the first time they've mated. one of her hands grips the back of his neck as their tongues entwine each other.
A Quality Read
With subtle persuasion, helena was able to get what she wanted out of most lovers, and she'd figured jon out down to the tiny crack in his fang.
Smooth Scales and Gleeful Giggles
To shake with silent, wracking bursts of wordless but far from controlled or subtle, obviously ticklish mirth.
Bruised Knuckles and Tied Knots
It was subtle to see, but he was nearly gnashing his teeth in exertion and he grumbled a lewd, demonic chuckle.