First Encounters

He could speak two of the gryphon tongues very well, along with various other languages that she'd schooled him in. but beyond some basics and a bit of guess work, he was literally flying blind.

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906 The Fish His Brother

He still had to learn azatlani and all the other languages by speaking them the first time around. we should let him talk to it."

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Adipose City: Turf Wars

** he repeated in the other language; being somewhat bilingual wasn't a perk in the borderlands between burger world and taco king, it was a necessity.

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When You Felt Blue - A Lilo and Stitch Fanfiction

The only experiment that could speak in other languages, like gantu's or the hawaiians. 'so, what's your problem, fish-boy?' said 625, not politely. 'well, i've been considering my life so far. . .and i'm not happy about it.'

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Shaankah On The River

Such a greeting was customary for them but the words didn't always have an adequate counterpart or phrase in other languages.

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The Portal Games: Arena 1, Episode 2

"whatever they're saying, it's in some other language than usual." "awwww," isabella moaned. "and i wanted more friends." "well, looks like you're going to have to skip this bunch, cutie," the t-rex said, shaking her head. "sorry."

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Love Lost, Chapter 17a: Reservations.

The old woman had ranted for a long time after that but with words flowing too quickly, and apparently in other languages that alice's version of the speech t.m. was unprepared for.

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Beyond a Crush - Part 2

We're able to understand each other even though we can't speak each other's language. i just never thought this would happen." "i'm sure everything will work out okay quilava." he said. "i just - " "oh look!"

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Ch3. Strum und Drang

. \*\* _chorus in on measure 64, now the basses in latin, the tenors in german, the altos in english, and french, baritones.....we'll hold off on other languages for now....lets see...._ dal worked furiously.

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A book that changes everything (WIP)

It's in some other language, but i had a feeling i needed to take it with me," he tells her as she goes over and picks it up. "how was your day?" he asks as she looks through the book. "let's just say i'm glad we closed early today.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 21

"(that sounds nice, to know about other languages)." "(you wanna learn to talk and read common?)"

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