Sucked Dry
derek smirked at allon and gave a wiggle of his ears with that charming mischievous smile that only derek could put on. allon chuckled and shook his head.
An Alternative Source of Income [Commission]
And derek was way too aroused not to oblige.
My Story Ch4
derek said who are you? steve asked derek, who are you? derek asked steve, nice to meet you. now jake we need to talk. steve said as he tried to pull me away from adrian. derek stopped him by getting in between me and steve.
Becoming a True Stallion - Chapter 3: Becoming the New You
I heard two bodies drop to the ground as jared released derek. derek laid there slumped against the floor and jared was on one knee.
The Cursed Zoo
Simultaneously, derek's and tricia's eyes widened. derek's manhood was rapidly emerging from its sheath. he glanced down at it in surprise. tricia's eyes followed derek's. "i...think i need it," she said, haltingly. she blinked.
Hard Trainer
He smiled and derek saw this chuckling. "tomorrow derek~" he woke up, got dressed, and went back to the gym he saw nike and started talking. "take derek away!" nike shook his head.
Yiff in California
"uhhh" derek said shyly "good". "cool i'm jennifer" she said giving a little wave of her paw. there was a short pause and derek said" i'm derek" then he wrapped his towel around his waist and pulled the rest of his wet suit off.
The Inconsolable Heart
"you can bring sorrow to those who deserve it, derek... you decide. you can do that..." he then withdrew himself from derek once again, letting derek become himself fully again as he watched the dragon float in front of him.
Snow Bunny Ch.24
"derek. maybe you sh-" "how is he?" gira faltered, looking hesitant. "i said." derek's voice was alarmingly calm. "how is he?" gira let out a shuddering breath. "he lost a lot of blood, derek." derek swallowed hard. "yes?"
Zhu's Workforce - Story commission
"come on derek. give my pucker some love."
Snow Bunny Ch.21
"derek." the name was almost sobbed out. all moku had thought about was getting back to derek, to be comforted by someone who loved him. he wanted the gentle derek that had told him that he was beautiful. he wanted the derek that had tenderly kissed him.
The Archon's Ascendancy, Chapter One: The Nascence of Power
derek stammered out his name; his violet eyes locking with heinrich's emerald ones. "d-derek..." "well derek," heinrich smiled at him, "let me be the first to welcome you to the lindenheim institute of the arcane sciences.