Tailesium - Welcome to the Neighborhood

Their orgasms possessed a strangely unique, unfamiliar texture thanks to a powerful aphrodisiac born of righteous anger mixed with decadent self-love. it wasn't even _close_to enough.

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Bad Day

He felt a swell of self-love mix with his rage inside his muscles. "i'm getting close", the wolf growled. "let's speed things up a bit, huh?" this was awesome already -- two lovers' lives at his violent mercy.

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Featherheads: ...Are Questionable At Best

Kenki lowered her wing after taking a moment to recompose her flustered self. "lovely human, i have made you drink nothing," she decreed innocently, disagreeing with his choice of words. "that...that red stuff, what was it?

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First Stalked

Orange zest exploded in his nostrils and hint of jasmine as the self loving moment became a pounding race as he heaved in and out air gasps rocking with the rythm.

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2023-02 Compilation

One pleasant feeling leads to another, until shi gets hirself off in an act of lascivious self-love.

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2023-04 Compilation

While the action in a game might be quick and frantic, her self-love is far more deliberate; some things don't need to be rushed.

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Copykobold (1/2)

As he touched the pecs of the kobold he felt his own get touched, reinforcing the believe that this was some tantric self-love session that he was experiencing as he decided to take it a step further and kiss himself.

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Life was hard right but some self love would help. she made her way to the checkout. it had been embarrassing buying condoms for the first time, announcing to the world she was having sex.

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Shelf Life of a Rock Melon

Melon of course wasn't about to open her door, not when she was entirely nude and smelled heavily of that cream and her self-love. she quickly thought and then spoke. "i'm about to get in the shower, can we talk when i get out?"

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Chapter 3 -- Risking for a God

And when he shared that moment with me, when he taught me about the joys of self-love....when he held me when i was scared, when he played with me....everything we shared...i..." jeremy was getting close to saying something big.

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Werewulf part 26

Duke stifled a laugh as it was not the time to joke about kyle's new self-love. "kyle its okay, we'll think of something." yeah that was good...a cover all for all worries. 'we'll think of a plan' that was good.

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