And what rough beast?

She could read the diagnostic panel, reaching over to press the button labeled "self test" -- this, she didn't realize until after it was already done, was no more difficult in the heightened gravity than it would've been on earth, thanks to the careful amplification

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Grrlfriend Experience (Parts 1 to 3)

He asked, just enough louder than a whisper to trigger up his phone's voice amplification, but not loud enough to even alert the young couple sitting in front of him. _"sir, have you landed?"_ _figures,_ bertie thought.

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For Nature!

The amplification made the small girth and length of the little male feel huge, and made this serviceable appendage feel even bigger. zelia's breath pulled in completely as an unknown amount of hot flesh pressed slowly into her depths.

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 3

He peered upwards, with his visor kicking in light amplification. all he could make out was a fuzzy top of an anthromorph's head, and a pair of eyes glowing green in the light amp, reflecting what they were glinting from the room.

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Scars Left by Dark Reef

In order to gain even the slightest amplification to his abilities, he walked outside to the shadows, on the side of the gym. he knew that this area was the most laxly watched over by the guards.

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Femme without a name 2

My squeaks and howls of pleasure were impossible to miss, with the sound amplification even a deaf person would have found it hard not to notice them.

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Murry Yiffmas!

In fact, our sponsor has just announced a new one hundred percent improvement in their erotic sensation amplification which, along with a greatly improved internal communications network, will ensure a constant feeling of intense sensitivity throughout

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Carmine & Jet

There would be ample time to explore the fun combinations and permutations of restrictions and amplifications. on the other hand... "one minute?" he whispered to jack.

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He activated his visr light amplification module. it did very little. the outer corners of his vision remained pitch black. but he could just about see a metre or so ahead of him.

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red steel: Origins part 1

He raised his head saying, "i always am creative, and yet gazing at this has so many amplifications for causing good deeds or the following agony, death, and destruction." sheana noticed his lips twitching in a grin, and her fur stood on end.

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Slayers GD: Book 4-- The Wolf's Fang

The spell i cast was an amplification spell, in which using the tattoo on my hand, i could tap into ceiphied's soul at will to amplify my spells. i began to murmur another chant under my breath. and with it, a ball of fiery light appeared in my palm.

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K-krlk-k-k~ schlk-schk~ maybe it was because of the amplification of the bowl, the sound made the girls' bodies shiver and made their blood crawl more than usual.

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