The Guy in Charge: Chapter III - Doorsock

The idea of being filled with cum at his first fuck was an irresponsible one, but he really,_really_, liked lucas, and every fiery nerve in his body ached to feel his seed inside.

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The Horse Of No Return

I heard many nasty rumors about this place and it's not only dangerous but just damn irresponsible, no matter how gorgeous you look, miss."

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Adveturous Fox Ch 0 (Pilot)

And there he goes again treating me as if i was an irresponsible child, i did furrow my brow in annoyance "not like i can get a better job with how new i'm in the town" i muttered beneath my breath and quickly resumed "the only problem is that they are taking

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Your Dog

A normal dog (we could afford food and stuff, but if i ever needed to take an animal to the vet i wouldn't be able to afford the trip, and well, frankly, i think having an animal companion who you can't take care of when they're sick is just inexcusably irresponsible

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 40)

Considering the rash of sheep predation cases this year, making him even more worried about potential danger in noah's arc could be irresponsible, especially since she has no definitive proof.

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Cyrnos New Hero: Updating the Software

No, he was too close, and it would be irresponsible to not help the other hero if he was so close. leaping three more times, diesel arrived at the site of the two villains.

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On Wind and Scales Part 1

Selling it would be excessively irresponsible!" the pirate nodded as they stopped at a door near the front of the deck, "no offense taken and i suppose it would be irresponsible but given what we are, i think that's to be expected.

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Good Enough Chapter 15

Damien, this is beyond irresponsible. this is just flat-out disrespect," marcus snarled. "who do you think you are to make a demand like this?" "i just..."

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The others had taken her back to the capitol and turned her over to royal guard, and the king doesn't look kindly on those who use magic irresponsibly.

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Stasis: Ch 1 (Hollow Knight Fanfic)

Luckily, hornet's various foster-mothers would be there to look after her, so herrah could stand there and sway irresponsibly while she was given her dreamer cloak and the drugs that would kill her.

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 4

"irresponsible? yeah, kinda." i cut him off. "well, i was going to say selfish." "i'll go with that too, and none taken." and also, i'm pretty sure, that my uncle is not going to say a word to my parents of what've happened.

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