Lost and Confused

He was even further confused by the looked of anger and animosity he got when a group of girls gathered around him during a break in class and nearly forced him to speak in and explain other languages.

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On top of that, he recalled the book being in english, but just about every page was filled with what appeared to be a mix of latin and some other languages he didn't recognize.

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Maluek and Blossom (M wolverinetaur/F inflatable raccoon naughtiness)

There is only so much the maker can do to help them but if he made it so they could speak other languages than our own," and she continued in praka chitter-speak, "it would be a little easier for them to get by." "can he do that? all of them, all praka?

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 24

I know ron and rob both know some other languages, maybe i could try to learn a bit of yours since i'm livin' up here now," rosie said with a grin. "i think you'd be the first skunk to speak inupiatun," miki chuckled.

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The Obelisks of Geatha Chapter 1: Grappling in Greenland

Gleb swore in some other language, screaming. "what you doing? what happening?" "i have no fucking idea!" he was barely keeping his balance, and gleb and heinrich had their own problems.

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A Night Amongst the Ruins

Slowly, i tried falling back upon the other languages i had been taught, one after another.  that only seemed to leave him more confused.    "okay, big fella." 

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The first page was nothing but a bunch of warnings in bold red text, his cortical implant kept asking him if he wanted to read the instructions in any other languages besides english but he quickly dismissed the offer with a thought. they read...

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Downward Facing Dog

"i don't speak any other languages." "which explain why you have not gone out to any other part of city. please, we take you to nice time. have 'tour guide' to show you osaka. minamura is very much city of dreams."

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Playthings of the Rich and Famous: Chapter 4

Only if you don't speak any other languages! cheating bastard. only reason i don't genuinely hate the guy is because he composed some stuff about me that made me cry, the good kind of cry. no, you don't get to hear it.

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Working off Steam

His feathers stood on end a little as endorphins started to run their course, though he let off a couple more choice swears that no other language should ever hear despite the feel-good sensations running through him.

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Pim: Chapter Eleven and Twelve

He had run out of save and the mines had vanquished him, he fell unconscious and awoke in the desert stronghold of the elite sitran inquisitional torture command guard unit of the 'jao lung' in sitran meaning 'harass' in other languages.

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 12

Solar's a living chronicle of knowledge, he may know some words or even other languages that could make interesting names." "mmmm...do we hafta go?" she felt his tail wagging along the ground, and looked at him with wide eyes. "uh oh...spyro, no..."

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