The Seed Spell

Seracen gave a soft whine, flicking through the spellbook and scanning each page as quickly as she could. the feeling of swelling and stretching was stronger than ever, femzy's tail lifting subconsciously.

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Commission Zone: Cradle Robberz 3

Maybe if you did i'd have shown you the spellbook in my basement, or the-" "yes yes, we all keep secrets from one another." apollyon walked between the two of them, rolling his eyes. "it's best to forget about the world outside leaky faucet, anyway.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Nineteen

On the rare opportunities she'd had to read his spellbooks she had discovered an understanding of magic that defied even her considerable knowledge. shiro saw magic more as an art form than a science.

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Artifacts, Chapter 13, Something Fishy

The 'witch' didn't add that until she had found the strange little spellbook she had been nothing more then a fortune teller, but the spells really worked.

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Carnal Carnival Cabaret

"i've also had your spellbooks moved to the vault," gideon stats which stops zoe in her tracks. "you can have them back next week." "why am i being punished?" zoe demands to know.

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Where Snow Never Melts: Together

He scrambled onto his feet, tucked his spellbook back into his satchel, and whirled to a stop when he gagged. his last meal rushed forward, and no amount of self control stopped it. magnus retched.

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Misadventures in Dungeoneering

Unnerved, the bunnyfox moved on, perusing a stack of scrolls and spellbooks. "how many years of magical research--" "kaji, kaji!" feri called the other boy over.

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Three Cheers Pt. 1

This is papyrus that was taken out of a very ancient necromancer's spellbook. the pages were fireproof, and when they burned, instead of turning to ash, they turned into something cedric referred to as "bone paper."

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Bard to Death

He took out a spellbook and chanted, "gnai yu nai gup bao." he shoved it in the old leather rucksack and added the resources that he needed for the trip.

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Amura Twin Tigress

Amura told her to use the mind transfer spell from the spellbook she had been given. "but, amura i don't have the energy to cast it." "do not worry; i will help you with the spell."

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(C) Kana's Revenge

She violently slammed the spellbook on the floor closed. "do you want me to learn or not?" "why bother? we both know you'll just fail again." kairi's voice was as cold and uncaring as always. "why don't you go do something useful like make some tea.

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