Feathered Folly
One of the long fingers slipped inwards, running just inside the forming passage until his stomach was doing flip flops. he trilled out loudly, eyes going shut as the fingers pumped gently in and out, pushing forward and sliding deeper.
Kophis Goes to the Mall
Kophis was ready to circle back to the entrance and settle for cheap flip-flops when they laid eyes on the hottest pair of boots they'd seen in a while.
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 108 - When anything goes...
So i quickly got up to put on some clean underwear, a skirt and a spaghetti top which just happen to be lying around and wore my flip-flops in order to go outside and see him...
The Life of Another - Chapter 5
I suppressed a cough as i quickly pulled on the foam flip-flops and stood to follow her. she kept her head down as we proceeded, the hallways empty as classes were still in session.
Dragon's Heart Ch. 3
She was currently in her human disguise, which was currently a young woman of about eighteen with red hair and amber eyes wearing a pair of shorts that went slightly below the knees, a shirt that supported the cherrygrove electabuzz, a pair of flip-flops
Freebies Vol. 61: Scouting Success Stories
Her legs were thick and her feet overwhelmed the flip flops evodonta had worn. lupambula's jaw shut and she grinned, but neither spoke as they circled each other. the huge bear had almost a foot and a half on the wolf, who clocked in at 6 and a half.
Food Allergies
Slipping on a pair of flip flops she ran down the steps and headed for the door not even noticing her toes growing little black claws and black fuzz as her hands and fingers began to do the same.
Tina II Chapter 11- The Prisoner- A Gray Muzzle story
She then took a smock off the rack, and stepped into a pair of flip flops. she pulled a beautician's chair from the corner, where it sat under a sheet. "violet is our hairdresser.
The Journal of Ryan Raven ch 2 the pain starts
He wore a black tank top with a green hooded jean jacket, jean cargo pants and flip-flops. his eyes turned from cats' eye yellow to a pale blue.
Holding Eyes
His ears flip-flopped. "i was thinking pancreatitis..." "he went up with leibowitz, he's gonna try to cath it out, or operate." "bet he was eager." "he was practically purring, and he's a fox," i chuckled. _"euhumuhp?!"
A Special Bell
He pulled on some boxers and shorts, as well as a muscle shirt and his flip flops. ani nodded at him, and together they left the cabin.
The Fan- A Gray Muzzle Story
The couple blocks to the scupper were no sweat, even in flip flops. within minutes, i'm there. the scupper is a special kind of bar. it's not a memorable place; it's a place people go to forget. the entire interior has a well groomed sense of decay.